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NEW DELHI, (IANS) - Yoga Nidra brought significant changes in the brain's functional connectivity during the practice, a first functional MRI study exploring the neural mechanisms underlying Yoga

By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar NEW DELHI, (IANS) - Yoga is not an imposition on you, but it is a discipline that you take on yourself. Yoga is having a

NEW YORK, NY (IANS) - Fasting has a myriad of benefits, and now, a team of researchers has claimed that it can even reprogram the metabolism of natural

NEW DELHI, (IANS) - While society has started openly discussing issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress, men’s mental health continues to be an overlooked area. About 40

DALLAS, TX (IANS) - Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid, also known as aspirin, may reduce inflammation among people suffering from sleep loss, according to a new study on June 10. The

India-West Staff Reporter LOS ANGELES, CA — Despite strides in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training, consumer research from the American Heart Association reveals only 1 in 4 Asian American individuals

Photo: nimh.nih.gov By Dr. Donald Tavakoli As high school and college students finish their spring terms and prepare for summer, it’s a critical time to check their mental health and

India-West Staff Reporter After looking at yet another negative pregnancy test, trying to see a non-existent line with a 60-year-old magnifying glass, Dr. Amy (Aparna) Divaraniya knew there had

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to multiple complications ranging from kidney problems -- failure, dialysis, and transplantation, to blindness, amputation, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, nerve problems, and gangrene. The condition