
By Dr. Neeladri Misra, Internist, Roseville, CA Waking up with a headache is one of the most uncomfortable feelings. According to statistics, headaches are the second most common reason patients visit a doctor, after lower back pain. About one-third of adults experience

Maintaining proper hygiene and regular eye checks is key to avoiding eye problems related to lenses, said experts on July 22. This advice comes as noted TV actress Jasmine Bhasin suffers from corneal damage due to her lenses. In an Instagram

If you're aiming for toned legs, incorporating effective exercises into your routine can make a significant difference. Here are some simple yet powerful exercises to help you achieve those toned legs. Squats Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your body as

In the quest for the perfect glutes, not everyone can make it to the gym regularly. Whether due to time constraints, financial reasons, or personal preference, many fitness enthusiasts seek effective at-home alternatives to popular gym exercises. Try these at

MUMBAI, (IANS) - Actress Deepika Padukone said that she eats well and has never followed a diet that she cannot be consistent with. Deepika on Instagram, shared a collage of pancakes paired with whipped cream, brownie with ice cream and samosas. For

Photo: National Institute On Aging By Payal Sawhney, Founding Executive Director, Saahas for Cause In my culture, we believe in karma. The belief is largely shared within the South Asian community. Because karma says that the sum of our past actions can

By Dr. Archana Dubey, Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare of California Eye health is an important factor in our overall well-being. Yet 65.3% of California children don’t regularly see an eye doctor. With many kids out of school for the summer, screen

MUMBAI, (IANS) - Actress Deepika Padukone's LiveLoveLaugh foundation has announced a new platform for mental health conversations with the launch of 'Lecture Series Unplugged'. This quarterly event aims to build awareness and sustain open discussions about mental health. “Over the last decade,

WASHINGTON, DC (ANI) - A recent study discovered that greater sleep health was linked to lower levels of loneliness, with the association being stronger among younger persons. The findings of the study were presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting. The findings

NEW DELHI, (IANS) - Yoga Nidra brought significant changes in the brain's functional connectivity during the practice, a first functional MRI study exploring the neural mechanisms underlying Yoga Nidra, showed on June 20. The study by the Indian Institute of Technology

By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar NEW DELHI, (IANS) - Yoga is not an imposition on you, but it is a discipline that you take on yourself. Yoga is having a say on the modulations and tendencies of the mind. Where there is

NEW YORK, NY (IANS) - Fasting has a myriad of benefits, and now, a team of researchers has claimed that it can even reprogram the metabolism of natural killer cells, helping them to survive in the harsh environment in and

NEW DELHI, (IANS) - While society has started openly discussing issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress, men’s mental health continues to be an overlooked area. About 40 percent of men in India do not talk about their mental health

DALLAS, TX (IANS) - Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid, also known as aspirin, may reduce inflammation among people suffering from sleep loss, according to a new study on June 10. The findings, presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting shows that preemptive administration

India-West Staff Reporter LOS ANGELES, CA — Despite strides in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training, consumer research from the American Heart Association reveals only 1 in 4 Asian American individuals are confident they could correctly perform Hands-Only CPR, compared with a comparable

Photo: nimh.nih.gov By Dr. Donald Tavakoli As high school and college students finish their spring terms and prepare for summer, it’s a critical time to check their mental health and consider how to engage in conversations about it. This is especially important for

India-West Staff Reporter After looking at yet another negative pregnancy test, trying to see a non-existent line with a 60-year-old magnifying glass, Dr. Amy (Aparna) Divaraniya knew there had to be a better way for women to understand their hormones to

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to multiple complications ranging from kidney problems -- failure, dialysis, and transplantation, to blindness, amputation, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, nerve problems, and gangrene. The condition can also affect sexual health and cause infertility, among others. Both raised glucose

By Dr Paula Goel Parenting styles have a significant impact on a child's development, behavior, and general well-being. The controlled parenting environment, often known as authoritarian parenting, is one of the parenting styles. In this parenting style, parents have extensive influence

Proper nutrition serves as a foundation for fertility as the food we consume can have a big impact on one's ability to conceive. It drastically influences both male and female reproductive health. With informed dietary choices, individuals can improve their

By Dr Mickey Mehta Ayurveda states that good health begins with digestion. Maintaining good digestion is very important for overall health and well-being. Food is fuel. Fuel for the body equals nourishment, healing, and balance. It equals fitness and a fit body is

By Raja. S Prolonged exposure to an overly loud noise or short exposure may damage the inner ear, leading to hearing loss. Be aware of these everyday damaging loud noises and steer away from them. Unexpected explosions: While uncommon for most people, unexpected

Allergy season can create an ideal habitat for germs and viruses to spread conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye. Viral, Bacterial, Allergic Conjunctivitis is often characterized by redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes, caused by various factors. The three primary types

NEW DELHI, (IANS) - A country like India boasts a rich cultural heritage with well-established traditional health practices, including Ayurveda. However, achieving optimal well-being in the modern world presents unique challenges. Dietary limitations due to cultural norms can lead to

Fasting, a practice dating back centuries, has garnered attention for its potential to not only promote weight loss but also to boost the immune system on a restorative level. Fasting, in its various forms, involves abstaining from food for a specific

By Dr. Hansa Yogendra 1. Writing 10 Positive Points Daily Description: Keep a journal where you write down ten good things about your day before sleeping. Contents: Entries may include favorite parts of the day, moments of laughter or smiles, observations of beauty,

Have you ever gained weight, had hot flushes, or been less sexually aroused? Has your partner also noticed any of these things? These are but a few symptoms of male menopause, a medical condition that is largely ignored. Women have

Photo: Ethnic Media Services By Selen Ozturk The stigma around Alzheimer’s disease — the second-leading cause of death in California — prevents many communities from getting help. In response, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is launching Take on Alzheimer’s, a new

The radiant warmth of the sun, while comforting, conceals a potential threat to our eye health. Many are aware of the necessity of shielding their skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation, yet the importance of safeguarding our eyes

LOS ANGELES, CA - Physical activity is one of the best ways to improve overall health and manage stress, yet 1 in 4 U.S. adults are sedentary for more than eight hours each day, which can have negative consequences on

Dr. Rajanigandha Tudu A pivotal step in detecting breast cancer early lies in empowering women with information to recognize and address any irregularities in their breasts through regular self-examinations. Lumps can be the initial sign of breast cancer and can be

By Neeladri Misra MD, FACP, Internist, Roseville, CA Semaglutide, popularly known as the drug “Ozempic,” is a Type 2 diabetes drug that gained FDA approval in 2017. The drug works on the body in many ways by slowing down stomach emptying, increasing

By Dr. Sangeeta Tiwari A bloated stomach is not only uncomfortable but can also significantly impact one's daily life and overall well-being. It's a common ailment, often accompanied by feelings of fullness, tightness, and sometimes pain. While occasional bloating can be

Technology has become ubiquitous over time, keeping us informed and connected to the world like never before. But for parents, this new digital world can be a bit of a mystery, especially when it comes to managing their kids’ screen

By Dr. Chandni Tugnait NEW DELHI, (IANS) - In our increasingly hectic and demanding modern lives, mental health is sometimes the first thing we forfeit. Just like regular maintenance keeps a car running smoothly over time, cultivating mental health provides the

The importance of breast cancer awareness can never be amplified enough. A stitch in time saves nine, and early detection saves lives! While breast self-exams at home can’t replace a medical check-up, they’re still very useful in finding any abnormalities

By Ayush Aggarwal In the realm of health and wellness, certain nutrients often take the spotlight, while others remain in the shadows, awaiting their moment to shine. Biotin, a member of the B-vitamin family, has long been associated with promoting healthy hair,

By Apoorva Pandey Oh, the marvel of baby skin – soft, smooth, and oh-so-kissable! As a parent, safeguarding your baby's delicate skin is a top priority. After all, those tiny toes and rosy cheeks deserve the best care possible. Here's your go-to

As social animals, we are exposed to stimuli, negative and positive, every day. How we deal with them, while holding our heads high as dignified human beings, shapes our identity and interpersonal relationships. Our scriptures teach us to denounce anger

By Ajay Singh Students frequently experience academic pressure and heightened expectations. The prospect of facing comprehensive assessments can trigger overwhelming stress and anxiety, which if left unchecked can compromise both mental health and academic performance. Create a Realistic Study Schedule: Create a well-structured

As we grow older, our bodies experience a myriad of changes, and our eyes are no exception to this rule. After the age of 30, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize eye health to maintain optimal vision and prevent potential

By Vikas Jain Our lives are intricately entwined in the digital realm, benefiting from the undeniable convenience of smartphones and smart homes. However, amidst the relentless pursuit of progress, a crucial aspect often takes a backseat – our health and fitness. As

 “What will happen when you get older?” This is what we often get to hear in traditional homes as the youth is spending more time on gadgets- be it slouching on a sofa and chilling with Netflix or sitting in

By Dr. Damanpreet Jamarai, CMO, UnitedHealthcare February is Heart Health Awareness Month, a great time to start on the path to better heart health and well-being and to understand the risk factors that can contribute to heart problems. Late last year, the

Navigating the complexities of hypothyroidism can be an overwhelming journey, given the rising prevalence of this condition in the Indian population. Thyroid disorders, affecting nearly 42 million Indians, are among the most common endocrine disorders. Hypothyroidism arises when the thyroid

By Neeladri Misra MD, FACP, Internist, Roseville, CA India is now known as the heart disease capital of the world. With the turn of the century, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have become the leading cause of mortality in India. CVD affects Indians at

With winter, our bodies experience a change that goes beyond just the chilly weather. During the cold weather, when people often feel lazy and slow, women who menstruate deal with an extra challenge – changes in their menstrual cycle. The

Keeping babies protected from the cold throughout the winter months is of utmost importance. Winter-Appropriate Clothes The baby won't stay warm or safe with more layers of clothing, but they will with the appropriate winter wardrobe. The ideal baby clothing is made

By Sybil Shidell Establishing relationship objectives can be an effective strategy for Indian couples negotiating the complexities of love, friendship, and partnership to deepen their bond. Goals are intended to encourage and direct couples towards developing happy relationships in the distinctive

In our modern, fast-paced world, screens have seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. Whether we are working on computers, scrolling through social media on smartphones, or indulging in our favorite shows on tablets, the time spent in front of screens