


( Nov.23 – Dec.21 )


September.1 – September.7, 2024

It will be a good phase for you career and also indicates new beginnings. However, this is a complex time in the beginning indicates the North Node. There will be some demanding situations but, your managers will support you during this time. If you are doing business, you will have new projects and there will be strong business growth during the latter part of week. It also looks good for investing money in real estate or a furnished house as a new residence. There may be some confusions and restlessness in your mind regarding matters related to your love life. Mercury suggests that let the wave of uncertainties and restlessness pass before you make any vital decisions. Now your fortune will favour you and hence you will get success in all your tasks related to studies and examinations. There will be the possibility of digestion problems and intestinal weakness affecting your efficiency during the beginning of this week. However, you can expect to regain your vitality as the week progresses.