

( Jun.22 – Jul.22 )


July.21 – July.27, 2024

The impact of Mercury will be favorable for additional training and advanced learning which will help your career growth. Investments in your business development will quickly payoff and the funds spent will return a manifold. So, do not waste the opportunity. Some accidental events may disturb your financial position. But, instead of repenting on that you should be more practical to deal with such tricky situations. Stay in contact with your loved ones and friends and this will help in reaching your goals. Do and follow what you feel is true and right in your heart as you will be blessed by Venus this week. Obstacles and delay in your studies will bother you this week. So, it will be important for you not to lose your confidence. You will be endowed with great stamina during this week. Mars will help you to maintain enthusiasm by engaging yourself regularly in some physical activities or exercise.