HomeAmericasPoliticsIndia Business Alert! Trump Vows To Stop Outsourcing If Elected

India Business Alert! Trump Vows To Stop Outsourcing If Elected

India Business Alert! Trump Vows To Stop Outsourcing If Elected

India Business Alert! Trump Vows To Stop Outsourcing If Elected

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Donald Trump has promised to end outsourcing if re-elected, which should sound alarm bells across India’s multi-billion-dollar outsourcing industry whose largest customer is the US,

“Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower,” says Trump’s 2024 Republican Party Platform released ahead of the party convention next week to anoint him as the party nominee for the White House, in his third run.

The platform is a list of 20 promises that articulate Trump’s “vision to Make America Great Again in a way that is concise and digestible for every voter”, said Trump Campaign Senior Advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.

“While Joe Biden and Democrats argue about who will be at the top of their ticket and have implemented policies that have raised prices on everyday families, opened the floodgates to migrant crime via wide-open borders, shackled American energy with red tape forced by Washington bureaucrats, and sewn chaos across the world through weak foreign policy, President Trump will Make America Great Again through these America First principles.”

The platform was a mix of the party’s conservative agenda and populist measures. They included promises to “seal the border”, conduct the largest ever deportation program, “prevent World War Three”, tax cuts for workers, end inflation, build the strongest military in the world, bring peace to Europe and West Asia, and retain the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The Indian government and businesses will be alarmed by the promise to end outsourcing, which will bring back memories of a slew of measures announced in Trump’s first term to curb outsourcing and targeting of Indian companies that dominated the outsourcing industry in the US. The administration had targeted the H-1B visa program that American companies use to make up for the shortage of manpower available locally for high-specialty jobs.

The US accounts for an estimated 62 per cent of the business that the Indian outsourcing industry gets worldwide. US companies that have outsourced to Indian companies include giants like Ford Motors, Cisco, American Express (Amex), General Electrics and Microsoft. It’s not unusual for the US President to rail against outsourcing and offshoring as vast swatches of the country were wiped clean of manufacturing jobs that were shipped abroad to low-wage countries in a globalized economy.

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  • Stopping ousourcing will increase prices of many items in USA and that will be felt very hard on the US cusomers. This is similar to stopping people to cross borders to come to USA to work at low wages.

    I think the US citizens have to realize the economic, financial, and social benefits they receive from outsourcing and border crossings. Republicans, particularly those in Trump’s orbit speak and develop policies without regard to their effect on ordinary citizens. Trump’s policies will be devastating for the US economy and will raise inflation into double digits.

    Therefore, we cannot let Trump be the President this election cycle.

    July 10, 2024
  • Not possible. Just another election promise. Just look at car prices before COVID and now.

    For example, I bought a Camry for $20K (before taxes and fees) in 2001. In 2018 a better feature packed Camry was selling at 22K. Then the prices ramped up from the tariffs and supply chain disruption. Covid hit labor hard in China too and labor shortages changed how things are done there with availability of more housing choices and better paid jobs.

    USA does not have low cost workers. It’s low cost workers have got too used to FREE SOCIAL SERVICES from medical, education. food and housing and more. They don’t want to work.

    Will not work at ten times the rates that Indian and Chinese labor are paid.

    July 10, 2024
  • Not only it is bad for India, it will also reignite inflation in the U.S. Not taking advantage of lower labor costs in other countries, like India and China, tax cuts for workers, “closing the borders”, and tariffs (not mentioned in this article, but read about it elsewhere) will definitely reignite inflation and undo what the Federal Reserve has been trying to do to reduce inflation for the last two years or so. Trump is a moron, besides being a convicted felon, incompetent and corrupt leader, and a characterless human being.

    July 10, 2024
  • If Trump did say this, I’m sure it’s mainly in reference to manufacturing in China.

    July 10, 2024

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