HomeAmericasPoliticsRace Far From Over Says Defiant Nikki Haley

Race Far From Over Says Defiant Nikki Haley

Race Far From Over Says Defiant Nikki Haley

Race Far From Over Says Defiant Nikki Haley

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said that the race for White House 2024 was “far from over” after her former boss Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary, solidifying his position as GOP’s likely nominee.

With 36 percent of the estimated vote counted, the former president registered 53.6 per cent support against Haley’s 45.3 percent in the critical early state contest on January 23.

“New Hampshire is first in the nation, it is not last in the nation,” Haley, the two-time former South Carolina governor, told supporters in Concord minutes after Trump’s projected victory by the local media.

Congratulating Trump for the victory, Haley said that he “earned it” but added that “this race is far from over. There are dozens of states left to go. And the next one is my sweet state of South Carolina”.

Trump, who doesn’t consider Haley as “a threat”, leads her by about 30 points in South Carolina ahead of the February 24 primary in the state, according to a polling average by RealClearPolitics.

Calls among Trump’s supporters grew louder for the former ambassador to the United Nations to drop out of the race, especially after the former president’s victories in the states of Iowa and New Hampshire.

Haley who was endorsed by Republican Governor Chris Sununu and 2022 GOP Senate candidate Don Bolduc, went on to blast both Trump and President Biden.

“With Donald Trump, you have one bout of chaos after another. This court case, that controversy, this tweet, that senior moment… You can’t fix Joe Biden’s chaos with Republican chaos,” Haley said.

Meanwhile, Trump, celebrated his win with a victory speech in Nashua, slamming Haley without naming her. “She’s making a speech like she won. She didn’t win, she lost,” Trump said.

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  • Nikki Haley did much better than expected. don’t write her off just yet. She may do a lot better as the momentum continues. Don’t forget what kind of President would be if Mr. Trump wins?

    January 24, 2024
  • Her supporters are mostly Democrats and also anti-Trump and they really don’t care for her personality which is – arrogant and conceited . There are no other women candidates and the voters are are too old for Vivek. Trump won and will be the Republican nominee since Vivek’ s 8% went to him. We have to comment her for verocity of her campaign but she one of those women, who do not accept defeat and will find the hard way , when there is a low turn out in her own home state and Nevada.

    January 24, 2024
  • Donald Trump must not count his chickens before they hatch. There are forty-eight states, 5 U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia that have yet to vote. Nikky Haley cannot be derailed, bullied, and harassed by the Republican power brokers and call her to quit. quitting is not in her DNA. She will make a thousand cuts in the corrupt political belly of the party before the Republican National Convention is held in Milwaukee on July 15-18, 2024. It will bleed to death.

    January 24, 2024
  • Trump has 120 Congressional Republican members and 25 Senate Republican members backing him and he’s also going to get even with Nikki with investigations for unjust enrichment brought up by Vivek during the debate and also Trump will blacklist all the campaign donors of Nikki. Whatever Clout that she acquired in the last year, will be completely lost and she will be blacklisted in the Republican Party by Trump and after North Carolina and Nevada she will have no money left to continue her campaign. In summary she will go from 35% of votes to oblivion.

    January 25, 2024
  • It is often said that you can buy voters, elections, and public offices if you have enough money which Donald Trump has. However, you cannot buy the public image, reputation, character, and justice. Today, the New York jury and the court have found him guilty of sullying the reputation of a former acquaintance and sexually assaulting her. He has been fined $83.3 million for his misbehavior. What else would it take the Republican Party to see the real picture of the man and his mind to know that it is bidding on a very dishonored and disturbed person to be the president of the United States of America, again? The party has a better choice, Nikky Haley.

    January 26, 2024

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