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LUCKNOW, (IANS) - The population of the Sarus crane, named the state bird of Uttar Pradesh in 2015, has been increasing and the trend is expected to continue

NEW DELHI (ANI) - Air pollution accounted for 8.1 million deaths globally in 2021, becoming the second leading risk factor for death, a report prepared in partnership with

GUWAHATI, (IANS) - Insufficient rainfall and excessive heat are hampering tea production during the current cropping season in Assam and West Bengal. Data released by the Tea Board

Photo: Wikipedia NEW DELHI (News Agencies) - The Hindu Kush Himalaya region is facing a significant drop in snow persistence this year, raising serious concerns over water security for

NEW YORK, NY (IANS) - A team of US researchers on June 17 said that a major earthquake of magnitude 7 or 8 around 2,500 years ago changed

LOS ANGELES, CA (IANS) - A fast-moving wildfire has burned over 12,200 acres overnight in Southern California, forcing at least 1,200 people to evacuate from a popular recreation

By Selen Ozturk, EMS As climate change worsens, so does the home affordability crisis as insurers raise rates, withdraw coverage and underpay damages. Even non-homeowners are affected, both by the

India-West Staff Reporter SEATTLE, WA – In a significant boost for climate resilience and education, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has announced a grant of $9,257,231 to the Washington State Board

India-West Staff Reporter SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Volunteers of the non-profit organization Dr. Shri. Nanasaheb Dharmadhikari Pratishthan (DSNDP) came together on June 8 to undertake two significant cleanup projects: