HomeFeaturedGermany Clarified, reports of spat with Netanyahu are misleading

Germany Clarified, reports of spat with Netanyahu are misleading

Germany Clarified, reports of spat with Netanyahu are misleading.

Germany Clarified, reports of spat with Netanyahu are misleading

Berlin, (IANS): Germany’s Foreign Office rejected an Israeli media report as “”misleading”” regarding a heated exchange between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock concerning the Gaza Strip situation.
On Friday, the Foreign Office wrote in a post to X that read, “”Key points in this account of the hour long meeting between Foreign Minister Baerbock and Prime Minister Netanyahu are wrong and misleading””.
Steffen Seibert, the German ambassador to Israel, made the same statement without offering specifics. According to a report offered from Israeli TV channel 13, Baerbock reacted negatively when shown footage of well-stocked markets in the Gaza Strip during a meeting in Israel. Baerbock pointed out the widespread hunger in Gaza and offered to show Netanyahu pictures of starving children on her phone.
Netanyahu suggested that Baerbock look at beach photos, implying no hunger there. Baerbock advised against showing them, saying they didn’t reflect Gaza’s reality.
Netanyahu loudly insisted that the photos were real and compared Israel’s transparency to Nazi propaganda tactics. For instance, in 1942, the Nazis filmed scenes of life in the Warsaw ghetto, where Jews were forced to live in terrible conditions.
The images of the markets filled with food were published by COGAT, an Israeli agency responsible for relations with the Palestinian Territories and humanitarian aid. These images depict markets in the northern part of Gaza, where food shortages are particularly severe. While some food has recently arrived, aid workers and residents say it’s still far from enough.

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