HomeAmericasPoliticsHaley Alternative To Trump In New Hampshire: Poll

Haley Alternative To Trump In New Hampshire: Poll


Haley Alternative To Trump In New Hampshire: Poll

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Indian American presidential aspirant Nikki Haley has emerged as the top alternative to former US President Donald Trump among Republican voters in the state of New Hampshire, according to a new poll.

While Trump still leads in the ‘Granite State’, the former South Carolina Governor has consolidated much of the non-Trump vote, the latest CBS News/YouGov poll found.

Twenty-nine percent of the likely Republican primary voters said they would vote for Haley, 15 percent behind Trump.

Eleven percent said they would vote for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and 10 percent said they would vote for former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

No other candidate received more than 10 percent.

“Haley gets the best marks on being seen as ‘likable’ and ‘reasonable’, and she runs nearly even with Trump on being ‘prepared’ — notable, considering he held the presidency,” the poll said.

A little more than half of the voters said Trump would “definitely” beat President Joe Biden, while for Haley it was 32 per cent.

The poll — conducted between December 8 -15 on a representative sample of 855 registered voters in New Hampshire — also gauged how the Republican voters in the state felt toward each candidate.

Haley is overwhelmingly seen as the most likable, receiving 55 percent of the vote, and DeSantis falls in second, holding 37 percent of the vote.

Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy are in the third position, holding 36 percent of the vote.

A majority of voters also said Haley is the most reasonable of the candidates — 51 per cent voted for her, while 37 per cent said DeSantis was the most reasonable.

Trump was next in line with 36 percent votes.

According to the poll, 54 percent felt that Trump was the most prepared, and Haley just fell one percent short.

While Haley doesn’t think her former boss is the right person to be president now, nearly 70 per cent saw Trump as a strong leader, while for Haley it was 41 per cent.

Trump has also consolidated his already commanding lead in Iowa with nearly all the Republican voters in the state saying that things were better when he was President.

Trump’s backers in Iowa were also the firmest in their choice as most described their support as “very strong — I’ve decided”, the CBS poll said.

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  • There are probably a few postmenopausal women supporting her in New Hampshire which is not indicated of USA and according to the latest poll of self-identified Republicans 61% for Trump and 11% each for Haley and DeSantis and so after March 19th he will be nominee for the Republican party and he will win the presidency there is absolutely no chance that Haley will be anywhere in the scene after March 19th or March 4th which is a super Tuesday the people who have backed her with the 200 million in order money their money is down the drain they lost their shirt and they will lose their pants after March 19th so hold on to your money before you lose any more money on her… this losing proposition not to mention corrupt and fake convert.

    December 19, 2023
  • Tucker Carlson and most of the Republicans have expressed opinion that they will not vote for Trump if he takes Haley as his running mate and she is the most hated candidate in the Republican party or any party and the Statewide polling results with her leading are fake.

    December 19, 2023
  • Indian American politicians leave their Hindu faith and convert to Christianity for their career. Namrata Randhawa AKA Nikki Haley is no different. Vivek is the only one proud of who he is!

    December 19, 2023
  • The Colorado Supreme Court verdict will not stand since Trump has not been convicted of Insurrection in any Court. Plus he’s not an “officer of the Govt” The appeal process will take few years since this is a monumental case and the US Supreme Court HAS to Will Hear this case. This will not make any dent in his electorate or electability.

    December 19, 2023

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