HomeIndiaIndia and the worldIn NY, Mumbai 26/11 Attack Survivor Narrates Story At Tree Dedication Ceremony

In NY, Mumbai 26/11 Attack Survivor Narrates Story At Tree Dedication Ceremony

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In NY, Mumbai 26/11 Attack Survivor Narrates Story At Tree Dedication Ceremony

NEW YORK, NY (ANI) – A tree was dedicated to the victims of terrorism around the world during a solemn ceremony held at the United Nations headquarters. Karambir Kang, a survivor of the Mumbai 26/11 terror attack and the former General Manager of the Taj Hotel, was invited to speak at the ceremony, sharing his firsthand account of the tragic event. The ceremony also saw the participation of Ambassador Abdulaziz M Alwasil, the Saudi Arabia representative to the UN.

In his speech, Kang highlighted the heroic efforts of the hotel staff, police officers, and defense personnel who saved the lives of nearly 1,900 people during the attack. The tree stands adjacent to a bust of Mahatma Gandhi, a symbol of non-violence, serving as a powerful reminder and symbol of determination. For Kang, it represented the fundamental human principles that enable individuals to grow by uplifting others. He emphasized that victims of terrorism can overcome adversity by uniting and demonstrating solidarity.

Karambir Singh Kang, deeply impacted by the tragedy of the Mumbai attacks, suffered the loss of his wife and two young sons on that fateful day. Along with the memories of his family, the tree stands as a poignant memorial for the 166 innocent lives lost in the attack, forever etched in Kang’s heart.

Praveen Vasishta, Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs, who headed the Indian delegation, paid his respects to the victims by placing a rose at the base of the Memorial Tree. This gesture honored the memory of all those who have fallen victim to terrorism.

The towering tree, overlooking the iconic image of Mahatma Gandhi, will serve as an enduring reminder that cooperation and trust are the building blocks of a more secure and resilient world.

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