HomeAmericasIndo AmericaPakistan Asks US To Restore Military Financing

Pakistan Asks US To Restore Military Financing


Pakistan Asks US To Restore Military Financing

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Pakistan has asked the US to restore military financing and sales suspended by the administration of former President Donald Trump as a senior American official acknowledged the importance of this bilateral relationship in a key strategic region.

“It is important that the US restores — for Pakistan — Foreign Military Financing and Foreign Military Sales, suspended by the previous administration,” Dawn News quoted Islamabad’s envoy to the US Masood Khan as saying said at a seminar in Washington on April 27.

US Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Elizabeth Horst, however, focused on the need to help rebuild the troubled Pakistani economy and urged Islamabad to work with the International Monetary Fund to do so.

“The reforms that Pakistan and the IMF agreed to are not easy,” she said.

“But it’s crucial that Pakistan take these actions to bring the country back to sound financial footing, avoid falling into further debt, and grow Pakistan’s economy.”

Since the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, the Washington-Islamabad relationship has been stuck in a prolonged period of uncertainty, Dawn reported.

Intensified US competition with China has further strained Pakistan’s relations with the US, as did the country’s deteriorating economy.

But recently, there has been an increase in high-level diplomatic engagements and dialogues focused on trade, energy, education, health, and defense.

Ambassador Khan not only emphasized the need to rejuvenate once close relations between the US and Pakistan but also underlined the role Washington can play in easing tensions between New Delhi and Islamabad.

Responding to a question, Ambassador Khan said that Pakistan placed its first order for Russian oil and did so in consultation with the US government.

He also spoke about the role Pakistan can play in bringing stability to Afghanistan.

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  • STOP sucking up you bastards. You should not be a country if you cannot survive on your OWN!!

    April 28, 2023
  • Sure!
    Russia has also requested India to ship them a 1000 Brahmos for a few tankers of Oil. 500 of those would fix Ukraine for selling arms to Pakistan.

    April 28, 2023
  • USA does not care about Afghanistan stability. TAliban has stabilized that and they will even stabilize Pakistan soon.

    April 28, 2023
  • Economic Sanctions work.

    1) Place a 25% import tax on products and services from countries whose products and services are used for a military operation in Indian territories, both terrorist and by a country
    2) Increase that tax by 10% for every subsequent attack

    That is for all western countries, Japan, Ukraine, Russia and NK.

    April 28, 2023
  • India will progress if it forget about Pakistan. The Indian focus should be improving its lower income population, infrastructure developing and manufacturing of advance arms, creating more jobs, population control, and recovering the areas occupied by China and Pakistan. Unless this is done, the occupied are will remain occupied and the living condition of poor people will not improve. Forget about Pakistan. Think it was good to get rid of the areas now known as Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is good that those areas were let go otherwise Muslims will have been a large minority in current India. Shame on useless Nehru and his mentor Ghandi for not facilitating full exchange of Muslim population, and economic developing polices to modernize the truncated India.

    April 28, 2023
  • Pakistan cannot be trusted again. Hope the US has learned its lesson.

    April 28, 2023

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