HomeAmericasIndo AmericaUS Religious Freedom Report Notes Violence Against Indian Minorities

US Religious Freedom Report Notes Violence Against Indian Minorities

US Religious Freedom Report Notes Violence Against Indian Minorities

Photo: Reuters

WASHINGTON, DC (REUTERS) – The U.S. State Department’s 2023 religious freedom report on India, notes violent attacks on minority groups, especially Muslims and Christians, including killings, assaults, and vandalism of houses of worship.

The report on international religious freedom released on June 26 said that in 2023, senior U.S. officials continued to “raise concerns about religious freedom issues” with their Indian counterparts.

Human rights experts say India has seen a rise in attacks on minorities under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who recently won a third term.

The State Department report also cited violence in the northeastern state of Manipur that started in May last year between minority, mostly Christian, Kuki and majority, mostly Hindu, Meitei ethnic groups.

Hindu and Christian places of worship were destroyed in Manipur. Citing a local tribal leaders’ forum, the report said over 250 churches were burnt down, more than 200 people were killed and over 60,000 were displaced.

Hindus make up about 80% of India’s 1.4 billion population. Muslims include 14% and Christians over 2%.

The report mentioned anti-conversion legislation in some Indian states that rights advocates say challenges the right to freedom of belief.

“In India, we see a concerning increase in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, demolitions of homes and places of worship for members of minority faith communities,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, when the report was released, in a rare direct rebuke of India.

Criticism of India by the U.S. is usually restrained due to close economic ties and New Delhi’s importance for Washington to counter China, political analysts say.

The report listed dozens of incidents. Among them was a fatal shooting of a security official and three Muslims on a train near Mumbai by a suspect who was a railway security official. A probe by Indian authorities into that case is ongoing and the suspect was in jail, according to Indian Express.

The Indian government denies discriminating against minorities and says its welfare policies – like food subsidy schemes and electrification drives – aim to benefit all Indians.

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  • US Religious Freedom Report Notes Violence Against Indian Minorities should also report the Violence against Hindus when Kashmir Massacre was happened. As also in many Muslim Areas (particularly in West Bengal, Kerala and some other states) where Hindus are not able to live peaceful life.

    June 27, 2024
  • India is one country where minority Muslims violently attack majority Hindus. This report is so wrong and part of the left tool kit.

    June 27, 2024
    • Muslims are still fighting for partition and their own country and will not go and live peacefully where they were given their own land. That brings another problem. Just because Muslims got their own land, now Sikhs including those that came from Pakistan also want their own Khalistan. All of it in India when they would have a right to get their portion back.

      June 27, 2024
  • India should take this report to heart and open and investigation of forced and coerced conversions by Church Groups in India. And then provide compensation to the victims who feel they were forced and who return to their original religion and stay with that religion for 100 years. Teh compensation provided as annuity income over a 100 years. The compensation must be in the form of liquidation of church property.

    June 27, 2024
    • And also include below case in the investigation and the one that happened in Udaipur.

      June 27, 2024

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