HomeAmericasPoliticsVivek Ramaswamy Says He Won’t Join A Trump Cabinet

Vivek Ramaswamy Says He Won’t Join A Trump Cabinet


Vivek Ramaswamy Says He Won’t Join A Trump Cabinet

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy has said that he is not a “Plan B person”, rejecting outright the idea or speculation of his joining the Trump cabinet in any official capacity if the former President retakes the White House from Joe Biden in 2024.

Ramaswamy claimed his priority is to focus on winning the GOP primary. But Ramaswamy has lost much of the heat or traction from his campaign as rival Nikki Haley has emerged as a favorite among voters and GOP donors for the White House race.

Ramaswamy, 38, is one of a handful of GOP presidential candidates who trail former President Donald Trump, the longtime presumed front-runner in the party’s primary.

“I’m not a plan B person, Maria,” he told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday when asked if he’d accept a position in a second Trump administration. “I didn’t get to where I am; I’m 38 years old, I’ve founded multiple multi-billion dollar companies, and we’re blessed with the American dream to be able to self-finance and lift this campaign. I didn’t get to where I am, and Apoorva (spouse) didn’t get to where she is by being plan B people,” he added,

“I’m confident we’re going to over-deliver massively at the Iowa caucus,” the entrepreneur-turned-presidential candidate declared.

The Trump rival candidates are facing the heat to close the margins with the former President in the polls ahead of the start of the Iowa caucus and meetings in New Hampshire and South Carolina. Even as speculation is rife that one of the candidates could end up on Trump’s ticket as a running mate for the vice presidency in one’s ability to pull more votes on the combo as the formidable Biden-Harris one does with ethnic voters.

Trump is looking for a person who can influence the swing states in his favor: Of 10 traditional battlegrounds –Arizona, Georgia, Minnesota, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio — in 2020, Biden won seven, flipping a handful of states. These states include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. All five of these states had governorship elections in the 2022 midterms. Four of them — Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — have Senate seats up for election this year as well. So, it’s a toss-up for either party.

Poll predictions don’t always end up in voter endorsements as the samples are too small to do one’s math on, pollsters from the Democratic side argue stating how Democrats won three states in the off-year elections — Ohio, Connecticut, and Kentucky.

Trump has reportedly considered the possibility of asking his former United Nations ambassador, Nikki Haley, to serve as his running mate, though Trump’s inner circle rejected the idea. Alternatively, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis unequivocally stated he wouldn’t become Trump’s Vice President if he was to win the GOP nomination earlier this month, and he accused Haley of dodging whether she’d join a Trump ticket.

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  • Trump will not have any cabinet, so there is no chance for Vivek Ramaswamy to join the cabinet.

    December 25, 2023
  • DeSantis is folding his campaign as his money is drying up. Haley will be next. Admire Vivek’s morals and principals that he stands for. The Supreme Court will hear the Colorado case and will rule for Trump. The immunity case has been postponed, so there is absolutely nothing to prevent Trump being the nominee and the president in 2024. I am positive thst that Vivek, will not refuse an offer to be Secretary of the Treasury or Secretary of State or Homeland Security chief if he is asked by Trump. As far as Haley the fake concert, corrupt to the brim and bird brain the funding will dry up after the March 4th Super Tuesday.

    December 25, 2023
    • Nikki, the bird brain 😂😂

      December 27, 2023

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