HomeAmericasPoliticsVivek Ramaswamy: I’m A Hindu Not A Fake Convert

Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m A Hindu Not A Fake Convert


Vivek Ramaswamy: I’m A Hindu Not A Fake Convert

WASHINGTON, DC (ANI) – Vivek Ramaswamy at the recent CNN town hall

said he was not a ‘fake convert’ and wouldn’t lie to ramp up his political career.

“If I wanted to map out my political career and solve it for now, I could fake convert. I’m not going to do that. I’m going to tell you about my faith,” he said.

“My upbringing was quite conventional. My parents taught me that marriages are sacred, families are the cornerstone of society, abstinence before marriage is a viable option when things don’t work out, and adultery is wrong. that enjoying life’s pleasures requires giving something up. Are those values not from elsewhere?” the presidential candidate added.

Ramaswamy emphasized that there is only one true god and highlighted the values of his faith.

He said, “There’s one true God. Don’t take his name in vain. Observe the Sabbath. Respect your parents. Don’t kill. Don’t lie. Don’t cheat, don’t steal. Don’t commit adultery. Don’t covet. That’s when it hit me. We share the same value set in common. There’s another core teaching in my faith, which is that we don’t get to choose who God works through. God chooses who God works through.”

He added, “Based on my religious beliefs, I understand that every person is here for a reason, and it is our moral obligation to fulfill that reason because God lives within each of us, even though God works through us in various ways, we are all equal.”

Other Indian American Republicans, Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal are converts from Sikhism and Hinduism. Media reports say Ramaswamy was referencing this.

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  • The Super PAC has blown close to $200 million dollars on Nikki Haley and without her making any progress and where as ramaswamy has spent $15 millionsof his own money and he’s ahead of Cary Lake as a Republican voters choice for VP candidate in the New Hampshire poll. This only shows that the average voter has become educated and they don’t want the same old s*** all over again.

    December 17, 2023
  • It is officially over for the fake convert Namrata and Ron D. since 61% of the self-identified Republicans say they will vote for Trump and only 11% each for the fake convert and Ron D. By March 19th Trump will have enough delegates to be nominated as a republican nominee in the July Republican convention in Milwaukee, where is the brilliant Ramaswamy will make a great Homeland Security secretary and or Treasury secretary where Trump can mentor him to become the most successful and brilliant politician Beyond 2028, since he will not be choice for VP at this time Cary Lake is most probable choice. Dictated but not Edited

    December 19, 2023

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