HomeAmericasBusinessWI Company Helping Modernize Dairy Farming In Wardha

WI Company Helping Modernize Dairy Farming In Wardha


WI Company Helping Modernize Dairy Farming In Wardha

Photo: Rockwell Automation

India-West Staff Reporter

MILWAUKEE, WI – Rockwell Automation, headquartered here, has partnered with ISAP India Foundation to modernize dairy farming in the water-scarce region of Antargaon in Wardha District, Maharashtra.

The initiative, ‘Economic and Social Development of Indian Village Through Technology-Enabled Dairy Farming’ also involves collaboration with technology implementation partner eVerse.AI to implement the corporate social responsibility project.

India has the world’s largest bovine population and is a leader in milk production. However, it faces challenges such as low milk yield per animal and insufficient quality of milk products. The decentralized structure of dairy farming in India and limited awareness about scientific veterinary practices among rural farmers contribute to these issues.

By partnering with ISAP India Foundation—a not-for-profit agency engaged in leading national-level livelihood promotion and agriculture marketing consultancy—Rockwell aims to improve the livelihoods of dairy farmers in one of the most water-scarce areas of India by using innovative products and services that leverage digital technologies for livestock development through scientifically-proven veterinary practices, the company said.

The initiative provides a suite of services to dairy farmers, including:

collar devices for tracking vital health parameters of dairy animals, mobile phone-based alerts, and advice to farmers from veterinary experts, fodder development, village-level animal health services, market integration activities for milk sale, and the creation of additional revenue sources for families of dairy farmers utilizing animal waste products.

The project, which began in May 2023, has already yielded promising results. In a recent field visit to Antargaon, progress was shared with local dairy farmers through an interactive session. Farmers expressed positive feedback, citing a 15-20% increase in milk production within the last six months. Milk quality has also improved, helping them to achieve higher prices and increasing household income.

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  • “and advice to farmers …., fodder development”!! OMG, there goes the sanctity of Indian cows. so, Indian cows also are going to be converted to *carnivores* animals by this *new* ‘fodder’? – a mixture of their own meat, like done here? i gave up taking milk products in US because of this and my only/last resort to be able to consume milk products is being taken away 🙁

    February 28, 2024

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