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AAPI Election Disputes: Dr. Kaza Says He Is Chair Of The Board Of Trustees

AAPI Election Disputes: Dr. Kaza Says He Is Chair Of The Board Of Trustees

AAPI Election Disputes: Dr. Kaza Says He Is Chair Of The Board Of Trustees

India-West Staff Reporter

NEW YORK, NY – Dr. Sunil Kaza, a cardiologist and trustee on the board of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), has been elected as the Chair for the 2024-25 term, according to a press release.

The election took place on June 8 during a “properly convened meeting” of the AAPI Spring Governing Body in Garden City, NY, following AAPI’s bylaws, with a full quorum present, the release noted.

Dr. Lokesh Edara, the sitting Chair who conducted the election, confirmed this and noted that there were two other candidates. The meeting minutes and related documentation were promptly sent to the AAPI office, Edara said and added that Kaza’s election was further ratified on June 19 by most of the Board of Trustees.

Kaza’s election has faced disputes. He says that a second, unconventional, alternate election was conducted by the AAPI president without transparency about who received the ballots or who voted. He alleges that many legitimate governing body members did not receive ballots for this alternate election and reported several other discrepancies.
AAPI traditionally announces its new Chair of the Board of Trustees during its annual convention, now called the World Health Congress, scheduled for July 18-22 in New York.

Kaza remains hopeful for a resolution to the contested election. He suggests that senior leaders of the organization initiate dialogue to resolve differences, referencing a precedent where both candidates shared the term.

The press release noted that Kaza, an interventional cardiologist for 23 years in Nashville, currently serves veterans and is Board-Certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Echocardiography. He has held several different offices in AAPI. His charitable and philanthropic efforts include personal donations exceeding $500,000 and raising significant funds for causes such as fighting human trafficking in India and empowering women and children. Recently, as President of the Association of Telugu Medical Graduates in the US, he partnered with Ekam USA to raise over $40,000 for these initiatives.

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