Asian Americans Overwhelmingly Want Gun Control, Most Will Vote For Dems in Mid-Terms
India-West News Desk
WASHINGTON DC – Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote), AAPI Data, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC released their bi-annual report measuring Asian American sentiment and attitudes on the issues top of mind in the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections on July 25.
The survey included 1,610 registered Asian American voters. Among the key findings:
*More than two-thirds of registered Asian Americans surveyed say they plan to vote, but only about half have been contacted by either of the major parties. 52% of Asian Americans said they had not been contacted at all by the Democratic Party in the past year, and 60% of Asian Americans said they had not been contacted at all by the Republican Party in the past year.
*About 51 of Asian American registered voters surveyed say they prefer to cast their ballots by mail or drop-off box, rather than in-person at a polling place.
*Asian American registered voters were more likely to say they would vote for Democratic candidates compared to Republican candidates in House and Senate elections. Among national origin groups, Indian Americans were the most likely to say they would vote for Democratic candidates. Vietnamese Americans were split (Senate) or leaned toward the Republican candidates (House).
*44% of Asian American registered voters surveyed think of themselves as Democrat, 19% think of themselves as Republican, and 29% consider themselves Independent.
*Asian American respondents ranked health care (88%), jobs and the economy (86%), crime (85%), education (82%), gun control (73%) and the environment (75%) as “extremely important” or “very important” issues for deciding their votes in November. Voting rights and addressing racism were also important issues.
*On issues of health care, gun control, the environment, voting rights, and racism, Asian American respondents said Democrats were doing a better job than Republicans.
*On economic issues, crime, and foreign policy, respondents were more split in their assessment of the two parties’ handling of the issues.
*77% of those surveyed agree the United States should have stricter gun laws, with 61% agreeing “strongly.” A strong majority (59%) also said they “agree somewhat” or “agree strongly” that undocumented immigrants should have an opportunity to eventually become citizens in the United States.
*By a 2-to-1 margin, Asian American registered voters oppose bans on books and bans on lessons about racism in American history by state/local governments or school boards
*56% of Asian American respondents held a “very favorable” or “somewhat favorable” impression of Joe Biden compared to 29% who expressed either a “very favorable” or “somewhat favorable” impression of Donald Trump.
*Television was the most common news source for Asian American respondents (65%) and Facebook (32%) was nearly as common a news source as traditional print newspaper (36%). For some groups, especially Vietnamese Americans (51%), YouTube was regularly consulted as a news source.
*73% of Asian Americans worry about experiencing hate crimes, harassment, and discrimination at least “sometimes” and 24% said they worry about it “very often.”
Among those who say they worry “very often” about hate crimes, support for Democratic House candidates is higher than support for Republican House candidates by a 3 to 1 margin.