HomeAmericasIndo AmericaCanada Moves Diplomats From Delhi To Malaysia, Singapore

Canada Moves Diplomats From Delhi To Malaysia, Singapore

Canada Moves Diplomats From Delhi To Malaysia, Singapore

Canada Moves Diplomats From Delhi To Malaysia, Singapore

TORONTO (IANS) – With New Delhi asking Canada to withdraw 41 out its 62 diplomats in India by October 10 to achieve a parity in the number of diplomatic staff in each country, Ottawa has reportedly evacuated its staff from its High Commission to Southeast Asia, according to a media report.

The CTV report said that Canada has evacuated the majority of its diplomatic staff from India and shifted them to either Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) or Singapore.

But there was no official word on their evacuation from New Delhi.

The news comes amid claims by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly that the government was engaged diplomatically with India on the issue of staff reduction.

“We are in contact with the government of India. We take Canadian diplomats’ safety very seriously, and we will continue to engage privately because we think that diplomatic conversations are best when they remain private,” Jolie had said.

Amid the worsening bilateral ties, India has asked Canada to withdraw the 41 diplomats from the country by October 10 and failing to comply with the deadline will see them lose their diplomatic immunity.

There are more than 60 Canadian diplomats posted in India.

Meanwhile the External Affairs Ministry said that a parity has been sought in diplomatic presence. “Given that Canadian diplomatic presence is higher, we would assume that there would be a reduction,” a spokesperson said.

Meanwhile, Canada has shown diplomatic restraint and not issued tit for tat orders. 

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  • Thanks PM Modi to ensure Canada reduces its staff. The reduction in staff will help Canadian federal budget for payroll cost. The remaining staff should be enough to help relatives of Khakis and those who believe being persecuted to move out of India and settle in Canada. India should help in this process but should ensure that the Indian passports of those moving out are cancelled and Indian citizenship is revoked. We wish those departing a happy settlement in Canada. And thank you for leaving India as it will help reduce the country’s population and create job opportunities for unemployed for the jobs that you were doing there.

    October 6, 2023
  • Really? Your statement des not reflect any logic!

    October 7, 2023

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