HomeAmericasCommunityEmbassy Marks I-Day In Washington

Embassy Marks I-Day In Washington

Embassy Marks I-Day In Washington

India-West Staff Reporter

WASHINGTON, DC – The 77th Independence Day of India was commemorated here with a flag-hoisting ceremony at India House on August 15. The event drew the participation of a diverse gathering including members of the Indian American, community, students, and friends of India.

The Ambassador of India, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, paid floral tributes at the Mahatma Gandhi memorial and unfurled the tricolor se, accompanied by the resonating melody of the Indian national anthem. Sandhu noted that the commemoration of 75 years of Independence, known as ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav,’ culminates with these festivities, while India embarks on the journey of the next quarter-century towards the 100-year milestone of independence. He also highlighted India’s G20 presidency, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to the principle of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ and its efforts to enhance global well-being by advancing international development objectives.

Sandhu remarked that under the guidance of Prime Minister Modi and President Biden, this relationship stands as “one of the most consequential relationships” on the global stage. The recent State Visit by Prime Minister Modi to the United States further solidified the deep-rooted bonds of friendship between the two nations. The visit yielded a slew of collaborative initiatives that span various domains, illustrating the mutual trust and cooperation that define their interaction.

A cultural program featured renditions of patriotic melodies. Young members of the Indian Diaspora from the Gandharva School of Music took the stage to showcase their artistic talents. Additionally, winners of the painting competition organized by the Embassy centered around the theme ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav,’ were felicitated during the event. The ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh’ and ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaigns found expression through the display of meticulously handcrafted Indian Tricolor, symbolizing the spirit of unity and pride.

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