HomeAmericasIndo AmericaFaced With Criticism, Modi Reaches Out To Congress On Ukraine, Democracy

Faced With Criticism, Modi Reaches Out To Congress On Ukraine, Democracy

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Faced With Criticism, Modi Reaches Out To Congress On Ukraine, Democracy

Photo : @RepEdCase

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sought to allay concerns in the US Congress about India’s position on the Russian invasion of Ukraine by reiterating his public and direct message to Russian President Vladimir Putin: that “this is not an era of war” but of dialogue and diplomacy.

The standing ovation that followed showed members of the Congress had wanted to hear that assurance from the Prime Minister as many among them, including stanch and steady friends of the bilateral relationship had expressed concern with India’s refusal to condemn Russia and said the time had come for India to choose which side it wanted to be on.

Modi also spoke at length about India’s commitment to democracy, which was another issue of concern for the lawmaker, more than 70 of whom wrote a joint letter to US President Joe Biden this week urging him to raise issues of democracy, religious and press freedom in India.

Modi, however, proceeded to bunch the rule of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals with that of the British Empire, calling them together a “thousand years of foreign rule”, in the context of the 75th anniversary of Indian independence in 2022.

He spoke in English, reading from a teleprompter to repeated applause from the floor and the mostly Indian visitors’ gallery, which frequently cheered him by chanting “Modi, Modi” and, finally, “Vande Mataram” and “Bharat Mata Ki Jai”.

Modi described the Russian invasion of Ukraine as one of “deeply disruptive developments” in recent years when “war returned to Europe”. He said the Global South was deeply affected.

“The global order is based on the respect for the principles of the UN Charter, peaceful resolution of disputes and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the Prime Minister said to loud applause from the lawmakers.

“As I have said directly, and publicly. This is not an era of war,” Modi went on to say, to even louder and longer applause, with whoops, adding, “But it is one of dialogue and diplomacy. And we all must do what we can to stop the bloodshed and human suffering.”

Modi was referring to his remarks in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, at a joint media availability with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Prime Minister also sought to address another concern many lawmakers have had, publicly and privately, about, what they see as a backslide of democracy in India, with targeting of religious minorities, crackdown on dissent, and press freedom.

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal and Senator Chris Van Hollen led a joint letter signed by more than 70 members of Congress urging Biden to raise these issues in his conversations with Modi. Democratic Senator Mark Warner, who is a co-chair of the India Caucus, had also said he would like to see the Prime Minister to express “commitment, recommitment” to democracy.

“Democracy is one of sacred and shared values,” Modi said and went on to add, “Democracy is the spirit that supports equality and dignity; democracy is the idea that welcomes debate and discourse; democracy is a culture that gives wings to thoughts and expression.”

India is blessed to have such values from times immemorial. “In evolution of the democratic spirit,” he said, “India is the mother of democracy.”

The Prime Minister read a Sanskrit phrase in support of his contention, which, he said, meant “truth is one but the wise express it in a different way”.

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  • PM Modi has a tact to get his way politically in a smart way.
    The shrewd politicians of India are capable of all the negotiations,
    according to the time and situation.
    FM Shree Shanker Jaishanker ia another shrewd politician.
    Indians should feel proud of PM Modi.

    June 23, 2023
  • Modi should be DEPORTED.
    He has NO right to take away jobs from US citizens by asking “Make in India”.
    What about jobs for US citizens you moron!
    Exporting indias unemployment and taking jobs from US is not your job.
    Always sucking up to US tech executives.
    What about asking Ambani and others? Stupid moron

    June 23, 2023
    • You are a very bad and racist person. Not very nice.

      June 24, 2023

      June 24, 2023
    • Without prejudice and any intent to hurt your feelings, let me tell the truth that your ignorance, intolerance and incompetence are the reasons for your ignoble comments. Be good, do good and accept the fact that no one can forcibly wrest anyone’s chance if he/she really deserve it.

      June 25, 2023
    • Your comments are really hurtful. I see no justification for them.

      June 29, 2023
  • Silent on Manipur.

    June 24, 2023
    • Manipur violence is a deliberate attempt on the part of certain vested elements who want to pursue their selfish interests. Hidden hands of disgruntled politicians also seem to be there.

      June 25, 2023

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