India Philanthropy Alliance Announces 3rd Essay Contest for US Students
India-West Staff Reporter
WASHINGTON , DC —The India Philanthropy Alliance (IPA), a U.S.-based coalition of 15 nonprofit, philanthropic, and charitable organizations that operate programs in India, has announced its third annual essay competition to recognize creative thinking and action among middle school and high school students who care about the welfare of India and its people.
The competition is one of several IPA initiatives designed to grow the culture of philanthropy among Indian Americans, particularly youth. This year’s competition is one of the youth-inspired activities of IPA’s soon to be announced philanthropy week.
The inaugural Youth Essay Competition was held in 2020 to connect dedicated and talented young people with nonprofits leading development and humanitarian work in India. Now in its third year, the contest is open to students across the United States, asking them to answer the prompt: What do you think is the most significant issue facing India and its people today? What role do you think individuals (young and old) and groups here in the U.S. can play in being a part of the solution?
Past contest winners addressed topics ranging from education and drinking water to crop prices and care for the elderly. “We are excited by the varied interests and innovative ideas presented by our entrants,” says Mona Shah, representative of Sarva Mangal Family Trust which sponsors the competition. “We are routinely uplifted by the thoughtfulness and care they bring to these topics.” As in the past, winners and runners-up will be invited to share their ideas at a special event for philanthropists, business leaders, and nonprofit staff.
A panel of philanthropy experts will determine the winners, runners-up, and finalists in two age cohorts. For middle school students, the essay length is 600 words or fewer, and for high school students, the limit is 1,200 words. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2022.
Winners and runners-up in each age category will be granted $1000 and $500 prizes, respectively, to direct to the organizations of their choice.
Essays for the 2020 and 2021 winners, runners up, and finalists can be accessed on the India Philanthropy Alliance website.
The essay competition and related events would not be possible without the generosity of the Sarva Mangal Family Trust, supported by the Shah family of Orange County and their company M.S. International, Inc, a press release said.
The IPA is a coalition of nonprofit, philanthropic and charitable organizations that mobilize people and funding in the United States and elsewhere for development and poverty-reduction programs in India.
The fifteen member organizations of the IPA include Agastya USA, Akanksha Education Fund, American India Foundation, Antara International, Arogya World, CRY America, Dasra, Foundation for Excellence , Indiaspora, Magic Bus USA, Pratham USA, Project ECHO, Sehgal Foundation, VisionSpring and WISH Foundation.
For more information: https://www.indiaphilanthropyalliance.org/