HomeAmericasCommunityLed By OFBJP, Indian Americans Plan Marches In 20 Cities To Welcome Modi

Led By OFBJP, Indian Americans Plan Marches In 20 Cities To Welcome Modi

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Led By OFBJP, Indian Americans Plan Marches In 20 Cities To Welcome Modi

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Indian Americans are planning ‘India Unity Day’ marches in 20 major cities across the US on June 18, in preparation for the upcoming visit to the country by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Modi will make his first state visit to the US in June which will include a state dinner hosted by President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden on June 22.

The cities where the ‘India Unity Day’ marches will take place include Washington DC, New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Tampa, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, Columbus, and St. Louis.

Adapa Prasad, head of the Overseas Friends of BJP, USA, said that a gathering will be held in Washington DC on June 18 at the National Monument, followed by a march from there to the Lincoln Memorial, to welcome the PM. Places such as Times Square in New York and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco are among the selected locations for these marches.

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  • Why is he SUCKING UP to US?
    He is part of BRICS movement to fight $.
    No other country would have accepted him.
    SHAME on MODI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May 23, 2023
    • Moe
      With all due respect, PM Modi does not and never will suck up to anyone or any other foreign government. He does what’s best for India first and the changes he’s implemented for Indians has made lives much easier. Digitizing the process of doing business has decreased corruption to some degree and has fast tracked services. The man has done a lot to bring India to the 21st century. While there is still much work to do, this man has made so much progress in a short period of time compared to the other corrupt politicians who talk a lot and do nothing.

      May 23, 2023
      • You are talking of corruption under Modi. I myself paid Rs. 3 lakhs as a bribe to corrupt DDA officials to get my work done. This happened right under the nose of Modi’s BJP government. Shane on you and your Modi.

        May 23, 2023
      • Yes Ash, he has decreased corruption from many small amounts to a few of BIG HANDS….you know what I mean!
        Have you seen any developed or developing country ruining actual money in the name of demonetizing and curbing corruption??????? It feels so stupid to even think of this idea but I am sure he has big players behind this ugly game.
        Many housewives, small retailers, daily workers and small town people have been robbed of their pocket money which they probably were socking away for a rainy day but Modi came as a damaging storm and washed everything away! When he comes to the US….as if he is coming for some cultural event, for heaven sake he’ll head of a country not a drum beating clown. I wish he behaves like a Prime Minister not a clown.

        May 23, 2023
        • Neeru.
          There will never be a perfect solutions to problems. Even at home when we have our own issues, we have to accept with a solution that is best for everyone concerned. Similarly PM
          Modi has to make tough decisions that will not be popular. This applies to any leader of a free society. We will have tough times but will survive some how. It’s not the end of the world.
          Until he arrives into the US we will have to wait and see if he shows up as a leader or as a clown

          May 25, 2023
    • Sir/Madam,

      You can be resist assured that your citizenship applications in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Syria have been approved. You will be eagerly welcomed by these 3 countries.

      May 23, 2023
      • These countries are so filthy that even our shit gets dirty… You belong to that qaum… So, you are a natural citizen of such countries 😜

        May 24, 2023
    • Lol… Isn’t Moe a shortened version of Mohammed? That explains everything….

      May 24, 2023
  • Mr. Moe has delusions. He is scared to write his name. He cannot find any leader who will accomplish anything. The present leaders in opposition are simply ready to give away for their name. India needs to feed more than a billion. Write something positive, if you have guts, if you can bring a change, if you have some capable leaders.
    I suggest you visit a few Muslim countries to taste the rewards of your speech. You will be very very happy. You will be a successful politician overnight!

    May 23, 2023
    • I don’t think it’s necessary to show one’s full name. What’s more important is thinking about the words one displays with some intelligence and knowledge. Hopefully Moe will do some due diligence and research more into the pros and cons of PM Modi’s contribution to India’s state of affairs

      May 23, 2023
    • Moe is short for Mohammed… Many Pakis and Indian Muslims use it. These fellows try to conceal their identities.

      May 24, 2023
  • To hell with this Hindu fanatic and an illiterate moron. He is not welcome in USA. Let this moron stay in stinking India.

    May 23, 2023
    • Thankfully you are a nobody in the US. And halfcuts can easily be spotted even if they use fake Hindu names😜… I am glad that there is some Internet in the caves of Tora Bora and the gutters of bomb ravaged Syria…

      It’s also possible that you are a Pukestan… But the bottom line is you are an aspirant of 72 Houris 😜…

      May 24, 2023

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