Neal Katyal Has a New Name for the RNC
Neal Katyal, a political analyst mocked Donald Trump’s document destruction on MSNBC.
India-West Staff Reporter
WASHINGTON, DC – Political analyst and Indian American, Neal Katyal, who served as acting solicitor general in the Obama White House mocked the Republican National Committee with a new nickname.
While appearing on “The Last Word,” Katyal remodeled the RNC to “Republican National Conspiracy.” He also slammed GOPers for downplaying and covering up the U.S. Capitol riot.
The most highlighted moment came when Katyal mocked former President Donald Trump’s pattern of destroying documents that violate the Presidential Records Act.
Katyal linked Trump to a “toddler” when he told anchor Lawrence O’Donnell, “I suppose Trump has had stressful work experiences.”
He further added, “It must have been frustrating for him to stroll into the White House at 3 p.m. on any given day and find somebody covered his desk with more of that paper with the strange squiggles on it.”