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Nikita Pramod Triumphs At National Academic Pentathlon

Nikita Pramod Triumphs At National Academic Pentathlon

Nikita Pramod Triumphs At National Academic Pentathlon

ndia-West Staff Reporter

ANAHEIM, CA – Nikita Pramod, a middle school student from Fairmont Schools here, achieved national recognition for her outstanding performance in the National Academic Pentathlon. Pramod secured first place in Honors Science both in Orange County and at the national level, showcasing her academic excellence.

The National Academic Pentathlon, held early this year in Phoenix, AZ, is a prestigious competition that tests students in five subjects: mathematics, science, social studies, literature, and fine arts. Pramod’s exceptional performance in these areas has earned her top honors.

“We are thrilled to see Nikita’s hard work and passion for learning recognized at such a high level,” said her parents, Suja and Pramod. for learning have always been evident, and this achievement is well-deserved.”

In addition to her academic pursuits, Pramod is actively involved in extracurricular activities, including club volleyball and performing arts, demonstrating a well-rounded approach to her education.

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