Punjabi Truckers Applaud Progress with Biden Trucking Plan
(photo NAPTA facebook)
FRESNO, CA – The North American Punjabi Trucking Association (NAPTA) was recently invited to the White House to participate in the announcement of the Biden Trucking Action Plan and Trucking Apprenticeship Challenge.
On April 4, President Joe Biden and the US Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg commemorated the 90-day milestone for the Biden-Harris Trucking Action Plan.
Since President Biden took office, there has been a historic increase in trucking employment with 2021 registering as the best year for trucking employment growth since 1994 and December 2021-February 2022 as the best three-month stretch for long distance truck hiring since the 1990s.
Frontline truckers’ real wages have also grown this year despite elevated inflation, reports said.
Since the launch of the plan in December, the Administration has hosted seven listening sessions with over 100 participants. NAPTA said in a statement, “We want to thank the Biden Administration for inviting and listening to minorities and people of color. Since the implementation of the Plan, there has been much progress; however, the hard work continues and is not going to stop here.”