HomeAmericasPoliticsTrump Rules Out Nikki Haley As Running Mate

Trump Rules Out Nikki Haley As Running Mate


Trump Rules Out Nikki Haley As Running Mate

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Floating Vice-Presidential choices as it suits the crowd, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has ruled out Indian American rival Nikki Haley as his running mate for 2024.

Addressing a rally on January 19 at Concord, he said that the former South Carolina Governor, who finished third in Iowa, “is OK, but she is not presidential timber”.

“And when I say that that probably means she is not going to be chosen as the vice president,” Trump said. “When you say certain things, it sort of takes them out of play, right?” he added. “I can’t say, ‘She’s not of the timber to be the vice president’ and then say, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to announce that I’ve picked’.”

According to former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Haley would be a good pick to balance out Trump’s weaknesses as a candidate.

But Haley has said she is not keen on playing Trump’s second-in-command.

“I don’t play for a second. I’ve never played for a second. I’m not going to start now. I’m not interested in being Vice President. I’m running to be President and I’m running to win, and we will,” she said in a CBS News interview.

In recent weeks, Trump has stepped up attacks against Haley, saying she needs Biden’s supporters to “infiltrate” the party primary to perform well in New Hampshire.

The former President also used the Concord rally to take potshots at New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, who has endorsed Haley.

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  • There are only two candidates that he’s considering seriously one is Vivek Rama Swami who is recommended by nearly every talk show host in America and other one is at Elise stepanek our father is a czeckoslavian and her mother is Italian. She is very young and no experience other than scolding the Harvard professors in the Congtess and getting even with them other than that she has absolutely no match for Rama Swam. Vivek is an incredible intellect and he will also bring in 18 to 24 year old voters who never voted before and now they are willing to vote Republican where is Elise will only duplicate what Trump as already. She’s not going to be an asset as vice presidential candidates are really not up to mark to be take over as president after 4 years. As far as Nikki Haley even if she comes close to winning a New Hampshire the only way she can continue this campaign is if she has money pouring in and she does not have our own money to spend so this is the end of her career as a politician she has absolutely no chance of in 2028 are further people even in her own State doesn’t like her.

    January 23, 2024
  • The Iowa and the New Hampshire primaries have confirmed that Donald Trump remains a leading clown of the Republican Party. He will be an amusing contender and expert at breaking hot winds as he was during the last presidential elections; however, this time, the probability of him wearing a striped uniform is much greater than the last time. The person who would have the last laugh will be Nikki Haley.

    January 23, 2024
  • 18 hr 39 min ago on CNN
    “Trump suggests he’s considering Sen. Tim Scott as potential running mate”

    “Former President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday he was considering South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott as a potential running mate, should Trump win the GOP nomination.

    “He’s a guy that I look at,” Trump said when asked on “The Howie Carr Show” whether Scott, who dropped out of the 2024 race in November and backed Trump last week, was a frontrunner to be his potential running mate.

    Scott appeared on stage with Trump at a rally on the eve of the New Hampshire primary along with other former candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Doug Burgum. “

    With Trump, anything is possible, therefore, I won’t be surprised if he changes his mind about the VP pick, but as of yesterday, he did say that he was considering Tim Scott for that job.

    January 24, 2024
  • Trump is very astute and so so is every goid politician. Trump is bringing Scott’s name just to attract the black voters who have traditionally voted Democratic. Because of the immigration there has been a tectonic shift of the black voters to go Republican and Scott is one of the few prominent black Republican, so mentioning his name as VP is not going to hurt, but that does not mean that Scott is going to be the vice president choice because he does not have any backing he only got 2% in the polls and he has absolutely no chance of being a president after 4 years.

    January 24, 2024

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