Your Daily Horoscope Today June 21 2024 All Zodiac Signs

Aries ( Mar.21 – Apr.20 ): Horoscope Today
You will be very short-tempered today. Your temper is ready to burst at the drop of a hat, but, Ganesha says, it will be of no avail. It would be better to exhaust all that energy in some vigorous swimming or any sort of physical activity. Ganesha suggests that you actually run your way back to home.

Taurus ( Apr.21 – May.21 ) : Horoscope Today
You will find it difficult to keep up appearances. Be prepared, says Ganesha. Situations are likely to bring out your inner feelings, your true nature. If someone crosses or confronts you will neither take it lying down, nor be inclined to forget and forgive. Maintain your composure and don’t allow anyone to hassle or provoke you. Later, you will get out of this mood and remain cheerful and lively for the rest of the day.

Gemini ( May.22 – Jun.21 ) : Horoscope Today
You will be in an extremely sensitive and emotional frame of mind today. While it is alright when it comes to family matters, you need to put your head over your heart when making decisions at the workplace. It is a good day to sign new contracts and to take up new projects, says Ganesha.

Cancer ( Jun.22 – Jul.22 ) : Horoscope Today
A chance of misunderstanding likely with anyone, says Ganesha. Not the time to take a decision, whereby you repent later. Transfer to a new place, or auspicious function at home are indicated. Ganesha sends his blessings.

Leo ( Jul.23 – Aug.23 ) : Horoscope Today
You will pay attention only to your work and will not be distracted by other issues today, says Ganesha. People involved in Research and Development related fields will find that their knowledge will come in handy for them today. Steps taken in the right direction will make your task very easy today.

Virgo ( Aug.24 – Sep.22 ) : Horoscope Today
From a tedious, weary morning, the day will gradually turn out to be very thrilling in the evening, says Ganesha. In the afternoon, though, you may hit a roadblock, and you will feel stressed out. However, all that stress will melt away in the evening in the company of your near and dear ones.

Libra ( Sep.23 – Oct.23 ) : Horoscope Today
Ganesha says you will try to maintain a place of pride and your status quo in society. You will be able to impress people with your speech and your wit. You will gain popularity amongst people because of your personality and your external appearance. Ganesha assures you that you will have a successful day today.

Scorpio ( Oct.24 – Nov.22 ) : Horoscope Today
Your career graph is gradually shooting up because of your incredible work. Your will power will help you achieve difficult targets. The confidence through which you handle all the unforeseen situations is worth appreciating, feels Ganesha.

Sagittarius ( Nov.23 – Dec.21 ) : Horoscope Today
Celebrations galore, foresees Ganesha. Two different individuals may have different opinions, but that should not result into ugly arguments. Watch out for any mishap, warns Ganesha. Your near and dear ones become a priority in the evening. Also, you will look forward to a candle-lit dinner with your sweetheart in the evening.

Capricorn ( Dec.22 – Jan.20 ) : Horoscope Today
Love is in the air for you, today. You will take your sweetheart out for a romantic dinner, shopping or anything of that sort and pamper him/her to the hilt. But, don’t spend like a sailor as you have limited sources of income, advises Ganesha. Busy in social gatherings and parties, you will make a mark on everyone’s mind with your wit and humour.

Aquarius ( Jan.21 – Feb.18 ) : Horoscope Today
Be appreciative of the achievements of others as it will inspire them to continue and put their best foot forward. Your amicable approach at work will create friendly environment and motivate your colleagues to perform better. You will be in the good books of everyone, says Ganesha.

Pisces ( Feb.19 – Mar.20 ) : Horoscope Today
It is a great day to be social and catch up with friends and make travel plans with near and dear ones. You find peace, comfort and pleasure in any travel that you undertake today. There might be some reasons that might result in mild mental stress but if you are cautious and prepared than nothing will able to usher you in harm’s way. Do not fuss too much over little things and enjoy your journey, says Ganesha.