Your Daily Horoscope Today November 5 2024 All Zodiac Signs

Aries ( Mar.21 – Apr.20): Horoscope Today
You feel positive about imbibing the ideas of spirituality today. This will make you open to the idea of accepting the responsibility for old mistakes, and it includes your relations with people in your neighbourhood. This will pave the way for your success in the future, says Ganesha.

Taurus ( Apr.21 – May.21 ) : Horoscope Today
You are not likely to take anything lying down today, says Ganesha. If you find anyone plotting and planning against you, you will not be too polite in dealing with them. Violent outbursts could make you lose the grace and dignity you are known for. You could end up regretting your actions and having second thought about your beliefs and principles. In the evening you could be prone to minor injuries. Avoid physical work.

Gemini ( May.22 – Jun.21 ) : Horoscope Today
You will need to curb your tendency to pay attention to the professional demands and needs of other people over your own. Your work-load today will demand creative solutions and will require some amount of brain-storming with your colleagues. People of the opposite sex will play an important role in your life today, says Ganesha.

Cancer ( Jun.22 – Jul.22 ) : Horoscope Today
You will be attracted to the opposite sex and a love affair may ensue. You will turn more open and generous. You will have a realisation and handle issues with understanding. Ganesha is with you.

Leo ( Jul.23 – Aug.23 ) : Horoscope Today
While the schedule you have planned for today will see some major changes, you will still stick by your decisions resolutely. If you suspect anyone of wrongdoing, now is the time to clear your misgivings. The day may start off on a tense note but by evening, things will be peaceful and calm, says Ganesha.

Virgo ( Aug.24 – Sep.22 ) : Horoscope Today
Ganesha warns that there may be a lot of problems brewing for you today. You will need to put in a lot of extra efforts in order to complete a lot of work that is pending because you have been procrastinating for a long time. You will feel inclined to share your most intimate secrets with your partner.

Libra ( Sep.23 – Oct.23 ) : Horoscope Today
Ganesha says today is a day where you will have to make important decisions so be careful before making them. Those of you who are working professionals may find themselves favored by topmost officials who will be pleased with you and may give you promotions or a bonus. Ganesha says beware of people who wish to take advantage of your generosity and amiable disposition. Share your problems and mental stress and you will see it disappear.

Scorpio ( Oct.24 – Nov.22 ) : Horoscope Today
Your confidence level will be the vanguard of your character today, says Ganesha. On the career front, you are likely to complete things that are seemingly impossible. Your skill and determination will leave people asking for more, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius ( Nov.23 – Dec.21 ) : Horoscope Today
Like a true Archer, targets are your aim today and focus, the buzzword. On the business front, the fast buck that you expected may not materialise. Though love may portray a rosy picture for you, today you end up having a tough time managing relationship. Be patient, advises Ganesha.

Capricorn ( Dec.22 – Jan.20 ) : Horoscope Today
Never judge a book by its cover. Same applies to human beings, also. And, you are one of them. At first, you may not be able to impress the other person with your looks, but once you display your communication power, you win him over, feels Ganesha. You are blessed with an art, the art to convince others. Ganesha advises you to maintain a calm head over your shoulders.

Aquarius ( Jan.21 – Feb.18 ) : Horoscope Today
What you have been trying to hide in the corner of your heart, may come to the fore today. At work, you will be more patient and calm. Everyone will notice this change in you. Your friends and family members will also be surprised to see a different side of your personality, says Ganesha.

Pisces ( Feb.19 – Mar.20 ) : Horoscope Today
Ganesha advises you not to entertain the desire to remain secluded and to spend time with friends and family. If you manage to do this then you will have a happy and exciting day. You will have memorable moments with closed ones and may even end up organizing a small party for them. Ganesha says this might be a especially good day for artists.
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