Freddie Mercury’s Mustache Comb Could Sell For Over $63K At Auction
LOS ANGELES, CA (IANS) – Queen band member Freddie Mercury‘s silver mustache comb that originally cost him $115 could rake in over $63K at auction.
It is one of more than 1,400 of his belongings going under the hammer at a Sotheby’s sale next month.
The Queen frontman’s former live-in PA Peter Freestone predicts fans will go wild for items like the mustache comb because the singer still exerts a kind of magic more than 30 years after his death.
Peter said: “It cost about 90 pounds. It was from Tiffany & Co, one of their little gift things. But it could go for 50,000 pounds because they will be paying for the DNA of Freddie.”
Peter, 68, lived with Freddie for 12 years in Kensington, west London, until his death from Aids in 1991. He said Freddie would secretly send him to auctions armed with blank cheques because prices would shoot up if bidders spotted the superstar.
Peter said: “If Freddie was in the room, the prices would go to stupid money. On the morning of the sale, I’d give him his checkbook, he would put his signature on it, and I’d go off to the auction.”
“I was very lucky most of the time and would get what he wanted. He loved art, crystal vases, furniture, and Japanese things.” Freddie’s artworks, outfits, and writings were left frozen in time in his mansion for more than 30 years.
But the contents were offered up for auction by his longtime confidante Mary Austin, who inherited his estate, on September 11 and 12.
They include the bejeweled crown and cloak worn in his final stage appearance in 1986 that is expected to fetch as much as $ 1,01,983.92. Peter says his most prized possession was a Matisse sketch copy drawn and given to him by Freddie.
He said: “We were looking through a catalog of art one afternoon and there was this sketch of a Matisse. He looked at it and said, ‘Give me some paper and a marker’ and within 30 seconds he had made an exact copy.”
“He said, ‘Now look… it says it is 12,000 pounds. Do you think this is something worth 12,000 pounds?’ He just put my initials on it and signed it and said: ‘Well, maybe one day.’ I have still got it and that will not be going up for auction. It is amazing how close it is to the original.”
Peter, whose autobiography is called Right Place Right Time, added that Freddie wouldn’t want to be around today because he didn’t like dinosaur rockers.
He said: “He hated the idea of old men running around the stage. That was Freddie. When the Rolling Stones were going back out or The Who was going back out, he was like, ‘Ha, ha, the dinosaurs are out again’.