India, US Discussing Co-Production Of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles
NEW DELHI (ANI) – India and the US held discussions on the co-production of American Javelin Anti Tank missiles in India to meet the requirements of the Indian military.
The discussions on the joint production of the missiles took place recently during a high-level visit from the US to India, defense sources said.
India and the US have been discussing expanding their cooperation, including joint production of military equipment. Sources said the requirement of the Army for the latest anti-tank guided missiles is quite significant and the force had to acquire a limited number of Israeli Spike ATGMs under emergency procurement to meet its requirements.
The requirement for third-generation ATGMs has been there for a long time and attempts to acquire the weapon systems through a global route have not been successful.
The work of acquiring the ATGMs through the Indigenous route is ongoing, as the Defense Research and Development Organization is also going to carry out trials of its Man-Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MP-ATGM) soon to meet the requirements of the Army, the defense officials said.
The Indian MPATGM Weapon System developers have field-evaluated the technology in different flight configurations several times to prove its superiority.
The system consists of the MPATGM, Launcher, Target Acquisition System, and Fire Control Unit.
Indian forces seek shoulder-fired missile systems that weigh less and allow troops to carry them in difficult terrain without needing many personnel.
Javelin Anti Tank is developed and produced jointly by American defense majors Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.
The US has sold the missiles to various partner countries, and these missiles have seen action in multiple past and ongoing conflicts.