HomeAmericasPoliticsIndian American Reps Ask DoJ For Briefing On Status Of Anti-Hindu Crimes

Indian American Reps Ask DoJ For Briefing On Status Of Anti-Hindu Crimes

Indian American Reps Ask DoJ For Briefing On Status Of Anti-Hindu Crimes

Indian American Reps Ask DoJ For Briefing On Status Of Anti-Hindu Crimes

India-West Staff Reporter

WASHINGTON, DC – Led by Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Indian American congressional reps Ro Khanna (CA-17), Shri Thanedar (MI-13), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), and Ami Bera (CA-06) on March 29, in a letter, have requested a briefing from the Department of Justice on the status of investigations into recent vandalism and attacks on temples.

They have also asked the DoJ about its broader strategy against hate crimes targeting Hindus in the country.

“Attacks at mandirs from New York to California have contributed to increased collective anxiety among Hindu Americans,” the members wrote. “Leaders from these impacted communities have expressed there are unfortunately ‘no leads’ on suspects, leaving many to continue to live in fear and intimidation. Our communities remain concerned about law enforcement coordination regarding these bias-motivated crimes, and they are left wondering if there is appropriate federal oversight to ensure equal protection under the law.”

“The number of incidents and the closeness of the timing of incidents raise troubling questions about linkages and the intent behind them,” the letter continued. “It takes relatively few coordinated acts of hate to create fear within a community that has often been marginalized or neglected, and we must work collaboratively to combat hate against all religious, ethnic, racial, and cultural minorities in America. We therefore request that you provide us with an understanding of what the Department’s strategy is specifically concerning hate crimes targeting Hindus in the United States.”

The five members of Congress have requested the DoJ provide the requested by April 18.

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  • You are all corrupt Hindus amassing wealth working with lobbyists , using inside information and buying/selling stocks etc.. your top priorities should be reducing inflation, gas prices, food prices, illegal immigration, destroy Washington Swamp.. None of you have an iota of knowledge on Hindu Sanathana Dharma. Stop this madness

    April 1, 2024
  • LOL!
    DOJ will prepare a two part report.

    1) anti-Hindu crimes
    2) By Hindu and also other Indian crimes and say, 50% are Sikh and Asian Muslim on Hindus crimes.

    April 1, 2024
  • Some people only know – how to defame someone trying to help their community

    April 1, 2024
  • Patronizing Hindu Congressmen doing this to get Money from their Hindu Donors.

    April 1, 2024
  • They created the movement against Hindus – Now the same bunch comes back after playing fire with SB-403 and playing with anti-Hindu sentiments of Khalistanis.

    Most of us are voting Republican and our donations shall be for the Republican party candidates.

    April 1, 2024
  • The DOJ as well as the FBI are perhaps more concerned about the border situation and ramifications of crimes they’re from.
    They are not doing anything about crimes committed against Christians and churches and wouldn’t probably have time to do much about the crimes against temples. Also the leaders haven’t set a good example regarding religion and duties as leaders. The President and former speaker Pelosi are for abortion while claiming to be devout Catholics. The VP never went to the border despite being a border Czar! She does however visited an abortion clinic recently. The leaders also helped remove bail system earlier in visits to some states. They also never addressed street crimes in their participation t the 2020 DNC speeches

    April 1, 2024
  • Too little, too late. These people have constantly promoted the anti Hindu agenda. Bring up nonexistent issues like caste. Now it seems like these people are looking for money from successful hard working Hindu Americans. Niraj Antani, a Ohio state representative, was actually consistent in speaking out against Hinduphobia. And he’s a Republican. Ironic, eh? Because Democrats love preaching about tolerance.

    April 2, 2024
  • Glad these congressmen recognized the vandalism on Hindu temples, let’s see if DOJ takes them seriously and give them the investigation report!
    Dear congressmen, please follow up with DOJ!

    April 2, 2024

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