HomeAmericasPoliticsIf Trump Re-Elected “We Will Come After Journalists” Threatens Kash Patel

If Trump Re-Elected “We Will Come After Journalists” Threatens Kash Patel


If Trump Re-Elected “We Will Come After Journalists” Threatens Kash Patel

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – The former aide to Donald Trump has threatened action against people in the media — “criminally or civilly” — if the former president returns to power in 2024.

Kashyap ‘Kash’ Patel, who was Trump’s counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council and chief of staff to the acting secretary of defense, made the remarks on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.

“We will go out and find the conspirators not just in government, but in the media,” Patel, who may reportedly serve in a senior national security role in any new Trump administration, said, referring to the 2020 election in which Biden trounced Trump.

“We’re going to come after you whether it’s criminally or civilly… “We’ll figure that out,” the former Defense Department official said.

Patel clarified that they are going to use the Constitution to “prosecute them for crimes they said we have always been guilty of but never have.”

However, the Trump campaign has distanced itself from Patel’s comments, saying that proclamations “like this have nothing to do with” them, according to ‘The Guardian’.

Patel’s comments come as the former president faces 91 felony counts across four different court cases to which he has pleaded not guilty, saying that he is being prosecuted for political reasons.

The charges against Trump include unlawfully trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

In September this year, Patel released a book, which he said, “exposes the corruption of the Deep State”.

“A sinister cabal of corrupt law enforcement personnel, intelligence agents, and military officials at the highest levels of government plotted to overthrow a President,” the synopsis of the book read.

Patel said in his book that corrupt officials have continued to secretly pull the levers of power without any accountability to the American people.

In an interview with Fox News on December 5, Trump said: “The biggest problem we have? The media. The media is fake… I came up with the term a long time ago, and they won’t talk about it.”

During his tenure, Trump has had an uneasy relationship with the media with him blocking CNN, Politico, and the New York Times from White House media briefing.

He has called news outlets as “fake news” and the “enemy of the people” in the past.

Leading the Republican presidential race with a huge margin, Trump has also reportedly promised to use the Justice Department to “go after” his political adversaries.

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  • Go for it!
    The law will still decide if guilty or not.

    What a clown!

    He could have said “we will apply the policies of Democrats equally to all politicians, Presidents and media”. Would have been the same threat to Congress, Biden and CNN.

    December 7, 2023
  • “The former aide to Donald Trump has threatened action against people in the media — “criminally or civilly” — if the former president returns to power in 2024.”

    “However, the Trump campaign has distanced itself from Patel’s comments, saying that proclamations “like this have nothing to do with” them, according to ‘The Guardian’.”

    From the above two excerpts of the article, we can easily see that Patel’s comments were so outrageous that even Trump’s campaign has distanced itself from them unless Patel said the quiet part loud. I personally will not be surprised if Trump does exactly what Patel is talking about. Trump has openly announced that his 2024 presidential campaign is a “retribution” campaign against Biden, who, in his opinion, stole the election from him in 2020 and that he will weaponize the Department of Justice to go after everyone who prevented him to become president in 2020. Trump has always revered dictators of the world like Putin, Xi, and Erdogan, therefore, he will try to act like one as much as he can. So, he will indeed go after the deep state folks, the media, and the former rivals, like Biden ….all his perceived enemies should he become president and that’s precisely the reason he needs to be soundly defeated at the polls, assuming he is allowed to run for president despite his legal issues.

    December 9, 2023

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