HomeAmericasPoliticsRahul Gandhi Talks To Journalists, Says Democracy In Peril In India, Its Collapse Will Affect World

Rahul Gandhi Talks To Journalists, Says Democracy In Peril In India, Its Collapse Will Affect World

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Rahul Gandhi Talks To Journalists, Says Democracy In Peril In India, Its Collapse Will Affect World

Photo : Mohammed Jaffer- SnapsIndia

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said that Indian democracy is a “global public good” and, in a message sought for the American public by an American journalist, he added that any erosion in democracy will be a threat to the national security of the US.

Rahul also made clear to specific questions in his public interactions with reporters, think tank experts, and Indian Americans that the Congress party’s fight for democracy in India is internal to India. The outside world, including the US, can decide for themselves.

He arrived in Washington DC for the second leg of his three-city tour of the US that started in California on May 30. He will travel next to New York but after another day of meetings here, which include a visit to Capitol Hill.

“Indian democracy is a global public good. And I think if you remove India from the Democratic equation, there’s a tremendous decline in the number of democracies and the number of people who are living in a democratic space,” Rahul said in response to the questions from the American journalist.

The former MP went on to present Indian democracy as an alternative to the Chinese model of economic growth and said, “I personally don’t think that the erosion of democracy is beneficial to the national security of the US, I think it’s a disaster for the national security of the US.”

It was not clear immediately if he meant that the erosion of democracy in India posed a threat to the national security of the United States or the erosion of democracy in general.

Later, the Congress leader made it clear that he is not looking for outside intervention. “It’s our job. It’s our business. And it’s our work to fight the battle for democracy in India,” the Congress leader replied to a question about how the international community can help the fight against the “authoritarian slide” in India.

Photo : Mohammed Jaffer- SnapsIndia

“It’s something that we understand, we accept, and we do”, he said further but went on to pitch the future of Indian democracy as an international worry because the collapse of democracy in India will have a deleterious effect on democracies around the world. “The thing to remember is that Indian democracy is a global public good because India is large enough that a collapse in democracy in India will have an impact on the world.”

But, he reiterated, “For us, it’s an internal matter”.

Rahul fielded a whole range of questions from reporters and Indian Americans first at a news conference here at National Press Club — which is a family tradition for him following his great grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru in 1956, his grandmother Indira Gandhi in 1966, and his father Rajiv Gandhi in 1985 — and at a private dinner later hosted by a prominent Indian American Frank Islam, who is also a top donor for the Democratic party and once hosted fundraiser for Joe Biden when he was vice-president.

About his disqualification from Lok Sabha, which has been a top question he has been asked on this trip, he said at the press club that he sees it as an “advantage” as, he argued, it gave him an opportunity to redefine himself, which he has done undoubtedly, or so it has seemed thus far in his trip of the United States so far. He chooses his words carefully and speaks just as much as necessary, not any more or any less. He doesn’t preach nor does he sound preachy. And he doesn’t try to impress as an intellectual or a super-smart politician.

While he has been unsparing in criticism of the Modi government on the economy, its handling of minorities, and assaults on press freedom and democracy, he sides with the government on Russia.

“I don’t know if you’d like my answer, but I think (it’s) similar to how the BJP’s (thinking). We would be responding in a similar way,” Gandhi said in response to a question about India’s position on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We have sort of a relationship with the Russian that can’t be denied production of that can’t be denied. So, I think our policy would broadly be the same.”

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has driven a wedge in the India-US relationship. The Biden administration believes India has been soft on Russia and it has not condemned the invasion as forcefully as the west and has continued to buy Russian oil, taking the sting out of sanctions imposed by the US-led coalition. The Modi government has cited long-running relations with Russia and dependency on Russian arms – which was also acknowledged by Rahul. India is among the largest buyers of Russian oil which reports say is now causing concern in Saudi Arabia and UAE who are grappling with falling oil prices and revenue.

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  • What a LOSER.
    DEPORT the Bastard.
    Nothing in India is a threat to the US or the world

    June 2, 2023
    • America loves the Bastard. America loves anyone who says their Democracy is the best!

      June 2, 2023
  • If China takes more land from India. Is Russia going to help India?
    Or will India come sucking up to US?

    June 2, 2023
    • Neither India nor America will come forward. India has to take care of itself.

      June 2, 2023
      • You meant Neither Russia nor US will come forward to help India.

        June 2, 2023
    • Let’s talk facts:
      We know for sure that when Pakistan attacked India in 1971, it was with the help of the USA. USA sent an entire fleet to the Bay of Bengal. Noxon and Kissinger openly asked the Muslim brothers and China to join Pakistan.

      Then Brezhnev sent the Russian submarines. Nixon and Kissinger ran with their tales stuck in their rear. And India won the war and liberated Bangladesh.

      Rest is history.

      SO yes, Russia may come but USA will not.

      June 2, 2023
    • China took land under Rahul GHANDY’s (note the family name, he has no relation to Gandhi) when Rahul’s great-grandfather, grandmother and father were Prime Ministers of India.

      China tried to take more land when Modi was PM. Indian soldiers walked into Chinese controlled territories and beat the rears of the Chinese.

      India does not need USA. Wish Ukraine had read Indian history, Russians would not be thumping them.

      For now. Biden and USA are doing all the sucking!
      Modi is coming this time to let Biden and Schumer suck in person. All they need, under the table!

      June 2, 2023
  • Rahul Gandhi ,,, please remember Congress was the ruling party during and what happened in 1977 Emergency, 1984 Shaikh mass killings , Kashmiri pandits killings and corruption king Vadra and Chidambatam, Commonwealth games corruption ,2G,4G fraud

    June 2, 2023
  • Village Idiots are to be ignored.

    June 2, 2023
  • The sponsors of Rahul’s meetings are mostly Pakistan based masjids operating in the U.S. Attendees are mostly Pakistani muslims and some Indian muslims. Now it’s clear, Congress is a muslim party.

    June 2, 2023
  • Yep, the party that imposed emergency and talking about democracy.

    June 2, 2023
  • Ultra Liberal Hindus supporting him too, in the process weakening India as a nation.

    June 2, 2023
  • Congress party to be renamed -agree completely.

    June 2, 2023
  • He is awaiting 2 year jail sentence. Was kicked out of Parliament overnight. He was evicted from his official residence which he was occupying illegally. His mother is under investigation for Fraud. He and his family should be kicked out of India for Treason and Sedition.

    June 2, 2023
  • He is awaiting 2 year jail sentence. Was kicked out of Parliament overnight. He was evicted from his official residence which he was occupying illegally. He and his family should be kicked out of India for Treason and Sedition.

    June 2, 2023
  • Paid by his Islamic supporters. Had this type of country bashing done by an American leader in foreign country, he would be arrested and condemned . Indians should hate Rahul Hindu hater/- he is calling Muslim league as a secular party.

    June 2, 2023
  • What a waste. Why are we giving this moron press coverage? This moron has a fan following and as the saying goes birds of the same feather stick together.
    Wonder if he can get a job in McDonald’s flipping ham burgers.

    June 2, 2023
  • Only a fool would listen to this man who has no credibility left. He is nonetheless still trying to ruin India.

    June 3, 2023
  • Where was Rahul Gandhi when Congress was in Power.

    June 4, 2023
  • In so called democracies the ruler is elected by who counts or not the votes!

    June 4, 2023
  • I agree with the above comments.

    June 4, 2023
  • And now he is with Punjabi truckers.

    June 13, 2023

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