HomeAmericasPoliticsRahul Gandhi In CA: Modi Will Teach God How The Universe Works

Rahul Gandhi In CA: Modi Will Teach God How The Universe Works

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Rahul Gandhi In CA: Modi Will Teach God How The Universe Works

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (IANS) – Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, fresh from the triumph of the Karnataka elections and what seems to be a patching up of rival sections in Rajasthan, took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying, “If you sat him next to God, he would start explaining how the universe works.”

Rahul Gandhi, who is on a visit to the US, while interacting with the Indian diaspora on May 30, said, “I think if you sat Modi ji down next to God, he would start explaining to God how the universe works. And God would get confused about what I have created.”

The former Wayanad Lok Sabha MP said, “In India, we grew up with people of different languages, different religions. And that is what is being attacked. The tradition in India, of people like (Mahatma) Gandhi Ji and Guru Nanak Ji, has been that you should not be under the impression you know everything. It is a ‘disease’ that some groups of India think that they know everything.”

The Congress leader said this group of people believes they can explain science to scientists, history to historians, and warfare to the Army while adding that mediocrity is at the heart of it all and this group of people does not actually understand anything.

He also talked about his 4,000 km Bharat Jodo Yatra that began from Tamil Nadu’s Kanyakumari on September 7 last year and concluded in Srinagar on January 30 where he raised the national flag.

“The Bharat Jodo Yatra carried the spirit of affection, respect, and humility. If one studies history, all spiritual leaders, including Guru Nanak Dev ji, Guru Basavanna ji, Narayana Guru ji, united the nation in a similar way,” Rahul Gandhi said in his address.

“The government used all its strength to stop the Bharat Jodo Yatra. The BJP is

threatening people and misusing government agencies. But nothing worked and the impact of the Yatra increased. This happened because the idea of ‘Join India’ is in everyone’s heart,” Gandhi said. “The Bharat Jodo Yatra started because all the instruments that we needed to connect with the people were controlled by the BJP-RSS.”

The former Congress chief traveled on an ordinary passport to the US after he surrendered his diplomatic passport following his disqualification as an MP.

He was received at the airport by Indian Overseas Congress chairperson Sam Pitroda and other members of the IOC. Rahul Gandhi had to wait for two hours at the airport for immigration clearance, party sources said.

While he was waiting in the queue, several people who were traveling with him on the same flight clicked selfies with him at the airport. Party sources said that when people asked him why he was standing in the queue, the Congress leader replied, “I am a common man. I like it. I am no longer an MP.”

Gandhi will attend several programs in Washington D.C. that includes his speech at the National Press Club on the future of Indian democracy, freedom of speech, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

In Washington D.C., Rahul will also meet lawmakers and think tanks and attend a dinner hosted by Indian American entrepreneur Frank Islam and top business leaders, Senators, and Congressmen.

He will then visit New York, where he will be meeting thinkers at the Harvard Club of Harvard University.

He will also participate in a lunch event and meet a set of successful Indian Americans in the creative industry.

On June 4, Rahul Gandhi will address a public gathering at the Javits Center in New York organized by the Indian Overseas Congress.

Indian Overseas Congress Secretary Virendra Vashistha said over the phone, “Rahul Gandhi has been raising the issue of India in the US. The Prime Minister has done 101 episodes of his ‘Mann Ki Baat’, whereas Rahul Gandhi has been doing ‘Jan ki baat’ and he listens to them in India and also in the US and talks to them about India wherever he goes.”

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  • Why is he sucking up in US?
    Why cant he go to other countries to suckup?
    He should be deported!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May 31, 2023
  • His speech is nothing but a compendium of unmitigated tirade against the ruling party. His sermons on democracy are nothing but catchy phrases coached by his minders. Has the least qualification to propound on democracy and be invited to meet with the thinkers at Harvard Club. I’m sure, the senators and the congressmen he meets would hear a earful of anti-Modi invectives, some of which will certainly be used by the anti India legislators. It is sad that the hasn’t said nary a word about how he can lead the country ( does he have the qualification to be a leader– a different , put poignant question ) and how would he be different from the current regime.

    May 31, 2023
  • Just like him to bad mouth India as his & Sonia’s corruption is getting exposed. With all the money laundering and anti India activities, he is a threat to India’s security.

    May 31, 2023
  • Mr. Rahul Gandhi should be deported to Italy, along with his mother.

    May 31, 2023
  • Papu (Rahul) is wasting his time as well as ex-Indians who are now American Citizens.
    What Papu is uttering is nonsense.
    He is not a politician, just a spoil child of Rajivji and Soniaji, often behaves,
    like a small child crying for the moon.

    May 31, 2023
  • There is a reason why he has nicknames such as Pappu and the Village Idiot. That is exactly what he is. Only fools take selfies with someone like him. He should stay in the US permanently and join the Democrat Party. This will ensure that the Democrats lose which will be a blessing for hardworking Americans.

    May 31, 2023
  • Let us be honest: Does his speech has any plan on improving the lives of ordinary Indians? on creating jobs? on improving infrastructures?

    May 31, 2023
  • Very strange that there is absolutely no effort on this person’s part to improve his own image nor to present the country he belongs to in the right perspective. I wonder what exactly is the intention of his sponsors in the USA.

    June 1, 2023
  • RG, aka Pappu a person with negative IQ , who has always felt entitled. To him PM is his birth right stolen by Modi. The people who are supporting and encouraging him are using him for their variety of self interest. The fact that China a bd Pakistan are his biggest supporter to become a PM should make it crystal clear to any one who cares about India where Pappu and his Party stands.

    June 1, 2023
  • Rahul Gandhi was kicked out of Harvard because the courses were too tough for him. He is riding on the coat tails of his ancestry. He should get a job and not try to be what he cannot. The congress is a rag tag outfit.
    The worst thing that happened to India was the Nehru Dynasty. Sardar Patel was sidelined by Gandhi despite being overwhelmingly democratically voted by Congress for the post and Nehru propped up instead ( so much for Gandhi being a champion of democracy). Jinnah who was for a unified India was pushed aside as well.
    He then decided to create a separate nation. Many Muslims did not want to truncate India. These patriots and their descendants are still in India. Many hold important positions in Government, armed forces etc. Let us not forget that we have the second largest muslim population in India after Indonesia. As George Bush said to Laura Bush while introducing Dr.Manmohan Singh PM in Moscow “Laura meet Dr. Manmohan Singh PM of India. Second largest Muslim population in the world, not one recruit to Al Quaida. ”
    The Brits engineered “Divide and Rule” and Gandhi and Nehru were their puppets. If Sardar Patel had been PM we would not have a divided India, the Kashmir Problem and lose the chance of being at the seat of power in the U N. Nehru said give it to China not once but every time he was offered it. Now we have to beg. Let us also not forget that Pakistan wanted a corridor linking West and East Pakistan across North India! Thanks to Sardar Patel it was denied. The Nizam of Hyderabad wanted to go with Pakistan. Thanks to the Police action by Sardar Patel that did not happen (my father an officer in the Royal Indian Air force in WWII who fought the Japanese in Burma after his training in England, was involved in this operation). In addition, thanks to Sardar Patel Travancore was not allowed Dominion status with Britain.

    When Britain went begging to the US for support during WW II, US President Rooseveldt gave it on condition that they hand over their bases in the Empire, all research military and otherwise and free India. The Brits called it “Transfer of power” and not independence lest every other colony jumps on the band wagon.
    While I do not subscribe to some of the things BJP is up to, at least they think of the country. Jai Hind!

    June 1, 2023
  • Is this the same person who has been kicked out of parliament, evicted from his residenc and he’s been under the investigation for TADA in India and his family under criminal investigation of money lauunding and corruption. He is also under investigation for anti-indian activities including hate speech outside India.

    June 1, 2023
  • Yes, but Modi is silent on Brij Bhushan Saran Singh

    June 4, 2023

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