HomeMusicZeshan B’s New Album – Preet Bharara Turns Music Producer

Zeshan B’s New Album – Preet Bharara Turns Music Producer

Zeshan B's New Album - Preet Bharara Turns Music Producer

Zeshan B’s New Album – Preet Bharara Turns Music Producer

Photo: @Zeshan

India-West News Desk

NEW YORK, NY – Indian American singer-songwriter Zeshan B’s latest album “O Say, Can You See?,” to be released on July 26, says Variety is an unexpected one: it is gospel-infused R&B coupled with social justice lyrics.

Also interesting is the fact that Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney for New York’s Southern District, is the executive producer of the album.

Bharara, known for his hard-hitting legal battles against organized crime, locking horns with Donald Trump and financial fraud, met Zeshan in early 2022. Their shared passion for justice and music quickly fostered a deep friendship. Zeshan credits Bharara with helping him channel his earlier rage into a more balanced and universal perspective in his music.

“Before I met Preet, my earlier albums were a way of channeling my anger at the injustices around me. Through our discussions, I realized that everyone is struggling in some way, and that I could use my music to speak to broader issues,” Zeshan told Variety.

Bharara’s involvement began after he was captivated by Zeshan’s performance at a book launch event. “I was floored by his voice and the message in his songs. We became fast friends and I decided to support him by executive producing his album,” Bharara told Variety.

Zeeshan was born in Chicago to Indian parents, his childhood was a blend of Indian and American musical influences. A medical condition, echolalia, which causes repetitive speech, was creatively managed by his parents, leading him to develop his singing talent. His formal training in classical music paved the way for his return to his R&B roots, blending diverse musical styles in his work.

“O Say, Can You See?” reflects Zeshan’s experiences and the turbulent times of the Black Lives Matter movement, the 2020 election, and other significant events.

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