HomeAmericasIndo AmericaDefense Ties A Pillar Of Global Peace: US Rear Admiral

Defense Ties A Pillar Of Global Peace: US Rear Admiral

Defense Ties A Pillar Of Global Peace: US Rear Admiral

Defense Ties A Pillar Of Global Peace: US Rear Admiral

BENGALURU, (IANS) – The US-India Major Defense Partnership has become a pillar of global peace and security, US Rear Admiral Michael Baker said in his opening remarks to over 50 subject-matter experts, here on June 10.

He was speaking at the ‘Partners in Progress’ symposium jointly organized by the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, and Christ University with support from the US Consulate General in Chennai that was inaugurated in Bengaluru on June 10.

Both countries are vital partners in efforts to ensure that the Indo-Pacific remains a region of peace, stability, and growing prosperity and economic inclusion, Baker said.

“Our countries are making substantial progress through joint exercises, the reinforcement of defense industrial cooperation, the annual 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue, and other consultative mechanisms. These efforts contribute to progressing forward an advanced and comprehensive defense partnership, ensuring close coordination between our militaries across all domains,” he said.

During his inaugural keynote address, Indian Rear Admiral Nirbhay Bapna said: “At these troubled times when the world is going through struggles and contestations, the US and India have emerged as like-minded and trusted partners.

“Information sharing and maritime domain awareness is a priority area of cooperation for both the countries. Looking ahead, the partnership is set to deepen further. Both nations are likely to enhance collaboration in emerging domains like cybersecurity, space, underwater, and artificial intelligence,” Bapna said.

The evolving security dynamics underscore the importance of a strong Indo-US naval partnership, which is a testimony to the strength of the Indo-US strategic relationship, he added.

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