Smashing Taboos Around Menstruation
Menstruation: Moon, Men and More by Nirmala Gowda Nayak
NEW DELHI (IANS) – An offering on “living harmoniously and holistically”, the book encapsulates what is often a debate on public forums or sigh-laden utterance in quiet corners: the need for rest, reflection, and rejuvenation during menstruation — and smashing taboos around it.
Clearing out misconceptions surrounding menstruation, the author seeks to celebrate the woman’s womb as a symbol of femininity and power. The book serves to awaken a less-informed community to the reality of this naturalness and to understand and address impediments faced by women in the times we live.
A handy guidebook to help you comprehend menstrual health, understand the requirements of emotional well-being, and the nutritional needs of individual body types with a holistic outlook, it calls for as much awareness and mindful engagement of men as possible and encourages them to help create an environment of acceptance and respect.
Nirmala Gowda Nayak is a proponent of menstrual health education and women’s empowerment through yoga and emotional well-being workshops.