HomeAmericasPolitics2022: Indian Americans Turn To ‘Assertive Hinduism’ To Define Identity

2022: Indian Americans Turn To ‘Assertive Hinduism’ To Define Identity

2022: Indian Americans Turn To ‘Assertive Hinduism’ To Define Identity


WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Assertive Hinduism was the most visible US import from India in 2022, courtesy of the Indian American community.

An event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence at the  Capitol was turned into a celebration of their Hindu faith by organizers and attendees as group after group lustily chanted “Jai Sri Ram”.

A bulldozer rolled along a parade organized by a separate bunch of Indian Americans in New Jersey, in an unmistakable nod to its emergence as a symbol of the oppression of minorities in India.

The backlash continues to this day, with a coalition of Muslims, African Americans, and civil rights groups calling for the US authorities to investigate its organizers, which included the Overseas Friends of BJP.

Some Hindu Americans have been quietly promoting their faith and cultural accouterments for decades. Vishwa Hindu Parishad America, for instance, was founded in 1970 to, in the words of its website, “preserve, promote and practice those great universal and eternal values which were discovered and practiced by the Sages of Bharat”.

But this in-your-face Hindu assertion is new and has surprised and embarrassed moderate sections of Hindus. “I was shocked by the naked display of this Hindu assertion at the US congress event,” said one of the people who attended, speaking on condition of anonymity to be able to express his views freely.

Congress, incidentally, was a favored venue for many of these public displays of assertive Hinduism.

A group of Indian Americans hosted two events at the Capitol in 2022 to register their desire to shift the generic name of the community from Indian American, as the nearly 4 million Americans of Indian extraction have been called for decades, to Hindu American as some in the community have been advocating for long, but unsuccessfully until now.

One of the events was hosted by a group of prominent Indian Americans who said they were disappointed by the Indian government’s refusal to offer a robust criticism of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and, they further argued, they did not want to take the backlash they suffered on behalf of the Indian government.

These events were also motivated by a desire to project Hindu Americans as a political force in US politics, which was cited as a reason by the organizers for hosting at the Capitol, to deliver the message directly to lawmakers.

India-born immigrants continued to feel a strong link with their country of origin, but the second generation of Indian Americans feel less committed to this political part of their heritage — they feel they are American, born and raised in the US unlike their parents, uncles, and aunties.

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  • Assertive Hinduism?
    Great One. Indian journalists are never ashamed of themselves.

    What is Christmas? Assertive Christianity.
    Or Eid? Assertive Islam?

    Hindus practice their festivals in the USA in a very respective way. Hindus in USA don’t burst crackers and make noise and disturb our neighbors. Hindus respect and join other religious celebrations and open their homes to other religions too. Americans know Indians as the most peaceful in the USA. Hindus have also left the Swastika out of their celebrations.

    December 28, 2022
    • Christians located the land first but others religions didn’t so christians have all right to that land…. But hinduism is neither a religion nor a faith…. Hinduism whole existence is for ” to cause trouble and practice caste ” …. Hinduism or hindutva mist be kicked out of the whole globe just to keep humanity alive , other wise the whole globe will start practicing caste and untouchability….
      Right now except india the rest of this world is going nicely….

      December 28, 2022
  • Writer’s biased piece is evident from from every angle he tries use word “Hindu” , ” BJP” but conveniently uses “other section of Indians” to identify the opposition, then he goes to say “prominent” Indians- who made them “prominent”?
    Every country has right to follow its own interest be it domestic or foreign areas. First time after independence, India has followed her own interests. NATO continues to buy oil and other energy needs from Russia, They tell India to stop buying cheaper oil. Why does so called “prominent” Indians oppose NATO countries for double standards!
    The word “Oppressed Minorities” is convenient propaganda word. Of course, Most of the appeasement policies former governments have stopped that does not mean they are oppressed. It only means all will be treated same before the laws of state.

    December 28, 2022

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