5 Changes to Make in Your Water Use Habits
Water scarcity has become a major issue, making water conservation critical. Given that the world’s largest water crisis is underway, it is critical to select water-efficient products that will assist in overcoming the challenge. Even minor changes, such as using a product that helps reduce water waste, can make a significant difference:
When compared to hand washing, a dishwasher saves a lot of water. Bosch dishwashers are made in Germany and save approximately 18,250* litres of water per year when compared to handwashing utensils. This is an eye-catching statistic, as well as a simple choice that can assist everyone in achieving a more sustainable tomorrow. With Bosch dishwashers, you can start saving water right away and leave a better world for future generations.
Low-flow showerhead
As you wash, low-flow showerheads release water more slowly. This means that even if you spend the same amount of time in the shower, you can save water. They are simple to install and will keep your showers clean and refreshing.
Washing machines
Front-loading washing machines can use up to 70% less water than top-loading washing machines of the same size. That’s because they can wash clothes by picking them up and repeatedly dropping them into the wash water, as opposed to top loaders, which wash clothes by letting them float around in water.
Soil moisture meter
The name is self-explanatory for both novice and experienced gardeners; the meters measure soil moisture levels. Soil moisture meters are analogue in design and measure soil moisture levels to prevent over-watering, which is a leading cause of plant death.