7 In 10 Teens Visit YouTube Daily: Report
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (IANS) – About seven in 10 teens said they visit the Google-owned YouTube daily, including 16 percent who report being on the site “almost constantly”, a new report has shown.
According to the Pew Research Center, YouTube continued to be the top platform among teens, followed by TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram.
The survey was based on the responses of nearly 1,500 US teens (13 to 17-year-olds) between September 26 and October 23, 2023.
Most teens aged 13 to 17 said they use TikTok (63 percent), Snapchat (60 percent) and Instagram (59 percent). For older teens aged 15 to 17, these shares were about seven in 10.
Teens were less likely to be using Facebook and Twitter (now X) than they were a decade ago.
“The share of teens who use the site has dropped from 71 percent in 2014-2015 to 33 percent today. Twitter has also seen its teen user base shrink during the past decade — albeit at a less steep decline than Facebook,” the report noted.
By gender, the report found that teen girls were more likely than boys to say they almost constantly use TikTok (22 percent vs. 12 percent) and Snapchat (17 percent vs. 12 percent).
Older teens were more likely than younger teens to use many of the platforms asked about, including Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Reddit.
“For example, while 68 percent of teens aged 15 to 17 say they use Instagram, this share drops to 45 percent among teens aged 13 and 14,” the report said.