Quick Yogic Techniques To Apply In Nerve Wracking Scenarios
By Nishtha Bijlani
It’s crucial to stop for a moment and simply observe the circumstances when the strains of work or life start to get to you. At first, everything could seem extremely overwhelming, but the mind can be trained. Over time, humans develop a set of conditioned responses to stressful situations. While it might seem difficult to change, our minds are capable of being reprogrammed with intentional effort.
Brahmari Pranayama
Brahmari or the humming bee breath is a very soothing and tranquilizing pranayama. It instantly calms the racing thoughts and allows space for clarity.
Techniques: In any seated position, close your eyes, Take the thumbs to shut your ears and the other four fingers to close your eyes. Inhale fully and exhale to release a humming sound through pressed lips. Feel the vibrational effects all over the body & mind. Repeat this 5-10 times.
Sama Vritti Pranayama
Sama Vritti means equal thought. Here this pranayama requires one to breathe in and out with equal duration. This has its effects on one’s thoughts. The practice of this helps one to work towards an ‘equal state’ and balanced state of mind.
Techniques: Choose any seated position. Simply close your eyes. Give yourself counts of 3 for inhale and 3 for exhale. Gradually you can increase to 4 and 5 counts.
Meditation with affirmations
Affirmations are a very powerful way to reinstate or replace a thought in your mind. It challenges faulty thought processes and encourages better self-talk.
Techniques: Come in a seated position. Close your eyes. Start first to observe your body and make the adjustments to relax. Then check on the state of your mind and breath. Take a moment to observe the inner chaos, allow it to just be. Try to simply witness your state of mind.
After a few moments, repeat affirmations. First mentally then loudly. Examples of it can be “I am in charge of my life”, “I choose to be patient with myself”, “I trust god’s/life’s process”, “I am brave, but I allow myself to feel afraid”, “I am good enough”.