Aakash Ahuja to Run for Santa Clarita City Council Seat Again in 2022
Indian American psychiatrist Aakash Ahuja is once again running for Santa Clarita City Council in Southern California, in 2022, after a failed attempt in 2020. (draakashforcitycouncil.com photo)
India-West Staff Reporter
Indian American Dr. Aakash Ahuja is once again hoping to claim a seat on the Santa Clarita City Council in Southern California.
Ahuja, who had run unsuccessfully for the same seat in the 2020 election cycle, finishing sixth in the nine-candidate race, said he remains committed to serving the people of Santa Clarita, while announcing his candidacy at a July 4 event.
A psychiatrist for the California State Prison System, and a seven-year resident of Santa Clarita, Ahuja said, “We moved to the Santa Clarita Valley in 2014, and the city has given our family a lot,” according to a Hometown Station report.
Ahuja and his wife have two children, who are currently enrolled in elementary school in the community.
“The city is our family and I want to be able to give back,” Ahuja added, according to the report.
Ahuja is running his campaign with a focus on keeping the city safe; making the city more prosperous, improving the city’s health system; and making improvements to education.
“I believe your main job as a parent is to provide and keep your family safe,” Ahuja said at the event, according to the report. “As a City Council leader your first job is to keep the city safe.”
If elected, Ahuja plans to work hand-in-hand with Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station to help keep crime low, and to do what he can to keep drugs out of the community, the media outlet said.
As the city has begun to reopen after a year-and-a-half of being forced to close due to the coronavirus pandemic, Ahuja wants to work to help bring momentum back to the businesses that survived, and bring new employment opportunities to the city, it said.
“It is the responsibility for us to jump-start the economy and help our existing businesses stay sustainable, and make sure new small and medium businesses can flourish,” Ahuja said, the report noted.
Another plan that Ahuja wants to tackle is upgrading Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, which currently has about 350 beds available; Ahuja wants to double that number, the report said.
Ahuja also would like to see more mental health resources available, not only for adults, but for youth as well; and also wants to push to have more Science, Technology, Engineering and Math classes available to students, it said.