Book Series On Modern South Asia Architecture Launched
NEW DELHI (ANI) – Arthshila, an initiative spearheaded by the Takshila Education Society, has unveiled a distinctive collection of books on Modern South Indian Architecture.
The Modern South Indian Architecture series sets out on a comprehensive exploration of notable architectural endeavors in the region. Each meticulously crafted volume focuses on a single project or building, offering readers an immersive experience through a blend of stunning photography, critical essays, and architectural drawings. With three titles already available and nine more in the pipeline, the series aims to establish a comprehensive visual archive of modern architectural marvels.
Sanjiv Kumar, Founder of Arthshila, expressed his enthusiasm for the MSA series, stating, “Through the lens of the MSA, we explore the stories of innovation, resilience, and beauty that define the spirit of South Asian architecture.”
Beyond the MSA series, Arthshila Publication serves as a catalyst for artistic exploration and dissemination. The recent addition, “108 Portraits of Indian Culture and Heritage” by Alka Pandey, comprises 14 meticulously crafted titles offering profound insights into India’s rich traditional knowledge.
Arthshila also pays tribute to the legacies of eminent artists such as Somnath Hore, commemorating his centenary through a commemorative book curated by sculptor K.S. Radhakrishnan. Additionally, “Spaces in Time: A Life in Architecture” offers a captivating narrative of an architect’s seven-decade journey against the backdrop of post-Independence India.