HomeAmericasIndo AmericaGlad India Taking Plot To Kill Pannun Seriously: White House

Glad India Taking Plot To Kill Pannun Seriously: White House

Glad India Taking Plot To Kill Pannun Seriously: White House

Glad India Taking Plot To Kill Pannun Seriously: White House

WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – Calling India and the US strategic partners, the White House has reiterated that it wants the plot to kill a Sikh separatist on its soil fully investigated and those behind it to be held “properly accountable”.

“India is a strategic partner. We are deepening that strategic partnership. They are a member of the Quad in the Pacific, and we participate with them on a range of security-related issues, and we want to see that continue unabated,” John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, said on December 8.

“That said at the same time we certainly recognize the seriousness of these allegations and as I said earlier, we want it fully investigated and those responsible to be held properly accountable,” Kirby told reporters at a news conference here.

He was responding to a question on the impact of the allegations on India-US bilateral ties, and President Joe Biden’s visit to India in 2024.

The indictment of Indian national Nikhil Gupta in plotting to assassinate Khalistan leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun has reportedly thrown a spanner in the works of the US President’s attendance at Republic Day next year.

While Kirby said he has no travel to announce at this time, the National Security spokesperson added that they are glad that their Indian counterparts are taking the Pannun issue seriously.

“It’s (the case) under active investigation. We have said that we are glad that our Indian counterparts are taking it seriously in doing that. We want those responsible for these attacks to be held fully accountable, but I won’t get ahead of an investigation that isn’t complete,” Kirby said at the news briefing.

The remarks came as US Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Jonathan Finer visited India this week during which he held talks with External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra. FBI Director Christopher Wray is set to visit India next week.

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  • It is quite clear from the official statements from the White House that President Biden is reassessing an invitation extended to him by Prime Minister Modi for the spotlight on the Republic Day of India, January 2024. As a matter of fact, the invitation is programed for a spotlight focus on Modi’s public image instead of President Biden. It would be wise for President Biden to decline the invitation from a government which has limited regards for minority rights, freedom of speech, press and assembly.

    December 9, 2023
  • Liberals and progressives once again show their hypocrisy. This is a man who openly told Hindus to leave Canada and threatened an attack on a flight. Imagine if somebody told Black people to leave, or Muslims, or Mexicans. Liberals would be outraged. But when it comes to Hindus, it literally doesn’t matter. Yet at the same time, liberals constantly preach about their inclusiveness and tolerance. why does this stop when it comes to Hindus? Perhaps the truth is that liberals are bigoted. They hate that Hindu Americans are hard-working. They hate that Hindu Americans are successful. They hate that all this success came without their help. After all, most Hindus don’t need handouts. Hindu Americans really need to reconsider voting for the Democratic Party.

    December 11, 2023

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