HomeAmericasPoliticsHaley Will Pardon Trump, Sees No Point In “80-year-Old Man Sitting In Jail”

Haley Will Pardon Trump, Sees No Point In “80-year-Old Man Sitting In Jail”


Haley Will Pardon Trump, Sees No Point In “80-year-Old Man Sitting In Jail”

India-West News Desk

WASHINGTON, DC – In a recent New Hampshire campaign event covered by NBC News, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley declared that, if elected president, she would pardon former President Trump in the event of a conviction, citing the pardon as being “in the best interest of the country.”

The statement comes as Trump faces a daunting legal battle, with 87 felony charges pending across Florida, New York, and Georgia. The charges revolve around allegations of attempting to overturn the 2020 election results, interfering in the election process, mishandling classified materials, and paying hush money to a porn star.

Haley’s stance aligns with other prominent Republicans, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who have also signaled their support for a potential pardon for Trump.

Responding to a question posed by a 9-year-old boy during the New Hampshire event, Haley emphasized the importance of considering the nation’s best interests, stating, “If he is found guilty, a leader needs to think about what’s in the best interest of the country.” She continued, “What’s in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80-year-old man sitting in jail that continues to divide our country.”

Haley concluded by asserting that pardoning Trump would allow the nation to move forward, stating, “What’s in the best interest of the country would be to pardon him so that we can move on as a country and no longer talk about him.”

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  • Nikki is right, to keep Trump in jail, will driver all the other prisoners crazy. Setting Trump free at the age of 80 will make Trump more miserable.

    January 2, 2024
  • “What’s in the best interest of the country is not to have an 80-year-old man sitting in jail that continues to divide our country.”

    I strongly disagree. What is in the best interest of the country is to show the world that even a president is not above the law and “if you do the crime, you do the time” Besides, where does it say that an 80-year-old man cannot be imprisoned? Trump will continue to divide our country whether he is inside a jail or outside it. Which law says that a person who divides our country should not be jailed?

    “What’s in the best interest of the country would be to pardon him so that we can move on as a country and no longer talk about him.”

    This is utter nonsense! How can one despicable person like Trump stop a country from moving on? Trump will make sure that people talk about him whether he is in jail or outside it because he is a narcissistic person. It is up to the media not to provide a megaphone to him. Besides, Trump will make more noise if he is pardoned than if he is in a jail because receiving a pardon will embolden him, allow him to take a victory lap and tell everyone how right he was about the political witch-hunt he was unfairly subjected to all along by the Democrats before he got rescued by a fellow Republican. Furthermore, whoever pardons Trump will not be pardoned by the electorate and will pay a heavy price at the polls if that person tries to run for president again. Remember what happened to Jerry Ford when he tried to become president in 1980? One of the reasons he lost to Jimmy Carter in 1980 was because he had pardoned Richard Nixon who was implicated in the Watergate scandal.

    January 3, 2024

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