Hollywood Singer Mary Millben Greets India on Independence Day, Evokes Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech
Hollywood singer Mary Millben greeting India on Independence Day. (photo provided)
India-West Staff Reporter
NEW YORK – American and Hollywood singer/actress Mary Millben greeted India on the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence in a virtual presentation Aug. 15, according to a press release.
“August 15th marks an important day in India, for Indian Americans, and for Indians all over the world – India Independence Day. I want to send my warmth to His Excellency President Ram Nath Kovind, His Excellency and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to His Excellency and Ambassador Tarajit Singh Sandhu, and to all of India as you celebrate this 75th Independence Day,” she said. “Today, my heart unites virtually with you in the spirit of freedom. America and India, the world’s two largest democracies, share the value of freedom.”
Millben shared a passionate challenge to India evoking Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s words from his speech “I Have A Dream.”
“Today, as I think about India’s Independence, I recall the words of Dr. Martin Luther King – a man beloved and revered in India and across the world. Dr. King’s words in his speech ‘I Have A Dream,’ speak to the value of freedom. Now is the time for India to let freedom ring,” she said.
Last year, for the 74th anniversary celebration, Millben in a virtual performance shared a moving rendition of India’s National Anthem, an original arrangement by Canadian Screen Award and Grammy nominated composer Daryl Bennett. As the featured entertainment, she opened performing India’s National Anthem for The Nudge Foundation Forum (global edition) on Aug. 14, 2020, presented in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation and The Skoll Foundation.
The inaugural forum was a 24-hour non-stop global platform featuring world leaders and stakeholders coming together for India’s development and in celebration of India Independence Day.