HomeOpinionIndia’s Troubling Tilt Towards Theocracy

India’s Troubling Tilt Towards Theocracy

India’s Troubling Tilt Towards Theocracy

India’s Troubling Tilt Towards Theocracy

By Parthiv N. Parekh

The massive national wave of devotion to Lord Ram witnessed recently during the consecration of the Mandir in Ayodhya, was breathtaking—and inspiring. Even though I grew up in a family steeped in Krishna bhakti, the reverence for Bhagwan Ram was no less sacrosanct even in my milieu of Krishna bhakts. So, I could relate with the joy of the millions of genuine devotees, and their innocence, surrounding the Ram Mandir.

What is of concern, however, is the noxious commingling of politics and religion. As someone who drinks deeply from the well of Sanatan Dharma—with a daily routine of over two hours of yoga, meditation, pranayama, and Satsang of seers, sages, and scriptures—it pains me to see its flagrant weaponization by a political party. 

An unparalleled spiritual heritage of supreme knowledge is being reduced to an opportunistic performative religion, drummed up for vote-bank politics. The earnest faith of the many millions of Indians is being co-opted for naked consolidation of power, and a beautiful path to God-realization is being corrupted into a chauvinistic dagger cleaving through national unity. 

India has been blessed with the rarest of rare gifts: a body of spiritual knowledge handed down from the ancient rishis that dare to propose the possibility of a transcendental transformation of the mortal to the divine—and that this can be a living experience, not just an article of faith promising heaven in the afterlife. 

From the Bhagavad Gita to the Ashtavakra Gita, our sacred texts implore us to undertake a deeply personal spiritual journey of self-transformation—not the chest-thumping superficial performance of seemingly sacred acts. From luminaries like Patanjali and Adi Shankaracharya to the more recent self-realized masters like Ramana Maharishi and Swami Vivekananda, and countless other enlightened beings produced by this land—all have unanimously emphasized chipping away at the unreality of our human form to discover the divinity that is our true self. 

It is not that Hinduism does not allow for the kind of worship that was on display during the consecration of the Mandir. Communal rituals too have been a long and valued tradition in Hinduism. However, the Gita warns us against rituals and worship done in ignorance or for egoic ends—such as, for example, the large-scale religious passions orchestrated by the well-oiled political machinery. This is the kind of performative religion where the “devotees” are WhatsApp warriors flaunting their majoritarian muscle and solidifying lines of division. You are expected to either fall in step with them or be outcasted with ugly labels like secular, Macaulian, antinational, and worse. 

True dharma, on the other hand, is one that would strengthen our conscience to call out censorship, bullying, hatemongering, lynching, and killings in the name of religion. But most find it hard, if not impossible, to stand up to a massive national mood. Why buck the trend, become the pariah, and even perhaps face brutal harassment and death threats? Why put yourself through all this agony when you can, instead, take refuge in the security and pride of the masses? 

But this jumping on the bandwagon will extract a price! The Hindus, giddy from the heady euphoria of majoritarian fervor, who are either okay or worse—enthusiastic—about such politicization of their religion, maybe fooling themselves if they think they’re the beneficiary in this profane hookup. 

Look around… theocracies haven’t fared well. Countries like Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, the ones practically ruled by Mullahs, are failed states. In contrast, millions are clamoring to come to the U.S., a country where separation of church and state has been enshrined in the Constitution. Countries that are seen as exemplary and are consistently ranked at the top of happiness markers, such as the Scandinavian nations, are the ones that are liberal, inclusive, and secular. Japan, another successful nation, values secularism despite being monocultural. Even an authoritarian regime like China knows the value of secularism. 

Right from ancient times, the ethos of Bharatvarsha has been deeply ingrained in eclecticism, coexistence, and diversity. Any attempt to thrust theocracy upon this massively diverse population of close to 1.5 billion is bound to end in disaster.

 (A version of this article was first published in Khabar magazine (www.khabar.com), and is republished here with permission.)

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  • Why is it troubling to anyone?
    Hindus are secular and worship all Prophets.
    But we need not behave as a weak community.
    Let us become assertive so that other communities will not take advantage of our tolerance.
    We have suffered enough.

    March 8, 2024
  • My questions to this guy- How many articles have you written when (A) Congress enacted several appeasement laws- ( Waqf Board properties, Muslims first claim on national resources-(do you know said it?), taxing only Hindu temples, providing salaries to Mullas but not the gurukuls, Love jihads, Kashmir Pandits exodus in own country) The list is unending) . This guy does not understand that a nation is built upon its heritage.

    March 8, 2024
    • Who gives a F what this Parekh thinks. He belongs to the “VANIYA” community in Saurashtra that did their own share of looting the farmers but are so sweet talking that they have sweet talked themselves into todays community fabric.

      At the end of the day. Muslims demanded Pakistan and the division of British India was between Hindustan and Pakistan. If an Indian Muslim is unhappy, he/she should go home. Their Moses is calling.

      Finally, the new generation of Hindus have risen and are still only moving towards EQUALITY and not revenge, which the Muslims and the west are scared may happen.

      The real problem today is the Mader…. amongst Indians. I would not doubt if this paper is owned by the Khalistani or a supporter.

      I now have to see how long this message stays up here.

      I think the west especially England should dismantle their museums and start returning the LOOTED wealth that is still on display.

      The young generation is no longer accepting that the West democratized India while the west bows to the KING in whose name India was plundered, over 50 million died directly or indirectly and the poverty that did not exist when they arrived in India to plunder still exists.

      March 8, 2024
      • Nobody give a f to whatever you write you fanatic Hindu. Tell this Modi not to drag Ram into politics. Killer of Muslims, police officers, judges and own home minister when he was CM of Gujrat.

        March 8, 2024
        • are you really an Indian Mr. Tyagi! Shame on you. FYI Muslims got Pakistan when India was sliced into two by Nehru and Brits. No one is asking Muslims to leave . Just follow the rules. They are not special.

          March 8, 2024
          • Shame on you, you fake Indian with converted name of Sam. Are you really an Indian or cross breed.

            March 8, 2024
          • Hindus must also follow rules. One day Hindustan will be Pakistan if communal hatered, spread by Modi and his hindus, is not stopped.

            March 8, 2024
          • We should never forget that these people were invaders. They destroyed temples and built mosques over them. Nehru destoyed Hindu culture, perhaps becaus he was a Muslim coming from Afghanistan through Kashmir. They are troublemakers and cancer to where they live.. In their own country, Hindus have been traeted as second class citizens. It is time to wake up. Mr. Modi is on the right track. Get it?

            March 10, 2024
    • Kudos to Parthiv N Parekh. 👍👍👏👏

      March 8, 2024
      • Giving example of USA, that state and religion should be separate is OK. Whether the author knows that Churches in USA are closing and Christians will be in minority in next few decades.
        When we celebrate Rama, Krishna we are not celebrating caste but culture, heritage and tradition….

        March 8, 2024
        • But Modi is misusing religion for political gains and polarizing the country on religious lines. Ram was called “Maryada Purushottam”. Modi breaks all maryadas and he is a criminal. Ram was remembered when we as kids used to go in the nights to watch Ram Leelas. Who is this criminal to tell us about Ram.

          March 8, 2024
        • If Christians will be in minority in few decades, then there will be no Hindus left on this earth. Keep that in mind Vinod Desai. 😎😎

          March 8, 2024
        • आजकल समस्या ये है कि हिन्दुस्तान के हिंदू घमंडी ज़्यादा हो गये हैं और कुछ भी सुनने को तैयार नहीं हैं। सनातन के सिवाय उन्हें कुछ नज़र नहीं आता है। ज़रा गुरू नानक को भी सुन लिया करो जिन को हिंदू और मुसलमान दोनों ही मानते थे। जिन्होंने हिंदुओं के सूर्य को पानी चढ़ाने को ढोंग ठहराया था। ज़रा धरातल पर रह कर इंसानियत सीखो।

          March 8, 2024
  • That is a natural progression of events when the country’s majority is oppressed by foreign invaders that force the majority to convert in Brutal ways.

    And for a Parekh that speaks for the invaders in the west, the west actually created a nice fine word to describe it: MOTHER…….. (fill in the blank) also goes MADER….., which actually originates in the west.

    Here are some examples.

    1) Muslim Invasions followed by brutal rapes, killings, kidnappings of girls and forcible conversions. The same invader, the Hyder performed this in 1947/1948 forcing his removal by Sardar Patel

    2) Portuguese that took over Goa (and did the same in Brazil where you see a White Looking population that still dominates the country and a Italian hybrid trying to take control with a lot of western support for the imbecile 50 year old) where the church told the soldiers “enough rape and plunder, now take a girl of your choosing and settle down and populate the kingdom”. Placed property, marraige and business restrictions on Hindus in their own country

    3) English, Dutch, French all did their share of invasions the world over with the Church fully behind them.

    Now the rise of Hindustan, which is the country or Bharat irks the west as it is rising too fast while Bharat refuses to save the west from China and Russia. The west knows too well that WW2 would not have been won without the help of India. Do recall that it was mostly Indians who died in WW2 but the west and Hollywood say it was all the White Men who beat Hitler.

    When such facts are changed and people are fed garbage, it is just a matter of time that children learn the truth and only hate the west more.

    The good thing is that Indians are not revenging seeking (cant speak of the Muslims amongst India) and focus on peace, which the west should not seek as a weakness.

    March 8, 2024
    • Agree with your write up

      March 8, 2024
    • Just wait when there will be Hindu muslim riots all over India, you moron.

      March 8, 2024
      • nice language mr tyagi

        March 8, 2024
        • It is not called nice, it’s called reality.

          March 8, 2024
  • I do agree with the author that in the modern democratic nations and societies, the state and religion must not be mixed to keep harmony, peace, trust and tranquility among the citizens. However, as stated in the article about U.S., the beauty of the systems is that everyone is allowed to pursue their own religion and faith without any political undue influence and convictions. The US president, cabinet secretaries, senators, congress members and the state employees go their own churches, synagogue, temples, mosques etc. that illustrates that in a healthy democratic society one has a full freedom to express and worship their faith.
    We should be all proud of our faith as the author has mentioned that even our religious scriptures had no concern for mass or communal celebrations of religious events including Ayodhya Ram mandir. Inspiring the faith in common people is noble cause and should not be concern at all. A nation became failed state because of their bad KARMA not due to the religion of the land.
    I have not observed or read any report that the politicians are bring religion into the politics in India or in the Parliament, so we should not be over concerned.

    March 8, 2024
  • The author, Prithiv Parekh must be congratulated for this beautifully expressed essay on the troubling tilt toward theocracy. It represents the deepest fears of many in India and abroad that the current political climate in India is not healthy for the long-term survival of democracy and for peaceful co-existence among people of different faiths other than the majority faith. India has always taken pride in the mutual understanding that individuals envisioned different paths in reaching the almighty creator are due to their choosing and any forceful obstructions are not considered honorable acts, especially through public policies and enactments by governments.

    March 8, 2024
    • you must be a Khalistani to say this.

      March 8, 2024
      • Do you know the meaning of Khalistan. Khalis means “ the place which is pure, which is ruled by people who are pure at heart”. You f..ng Hindu scumbag.

        March 8, 2024
      • You are the enemy of humanity. Without going into depth you started tagging him Khalistan. Looks like you are a Hindu terrorist POS. 💩💩

        March 8, 2024
        • Really Mr. Tyagi. Who cares what you think.

          March 8, 2024
          • Who cares what your stinking brain thinks.

            March 8, 2024
          • Are you Sam or Som or some or someone.

            March 8, 2024
      • What is your f. ng language. You call somebody a khalistani you do not know.

        March 8, 2024
    • I totally agree with Mr Singh. Politics and religion should never be fixed. This is dangerous and lead to the destruction of the country. People know about Ram for centuries. Who is this Modi to tell people as to who is Ram. Ram and Hanuman ji will punish him. 👹👹

      March 8, 2024
  • Jai Shree Ram

    March 8, 2024
    • Jo bole Sonihal
      Sat Sri akal.
      Raj karega Khalsa, aaki rahe na koi.

      March 13, 2024
  • I am currently sitting in Delhi and observing the total saturation of media by Mr Modi. Institutions are being widely used ( especially enforcement directorate) to harass opposition members. Tilt towards totalitarianism and manipulation of religion towards political ends has become widespread. While Mr Modi is doing several good things on the economic front I fear he is endangering a future stable India by weaponizing religion. The sentiments expressed in this article should be a genuine worry for all who love India.

    March 8, 2024
  • Seeing the venom and the thinking of some of the US based diaspora, the decision of the Indian Government in regarding OCI and PIO card holders as foreign nationals appears sound. Even more so with comments here and elsewhere in the Paper, of strongly religion orientation. You cannot have a say in how India is run when you have no stake in India – at best as an investor looking at profit arbitrage

    March 9, 2024
  • Disgusting humiliating anti Hindu article. What is wrong in going with the feelings beliefs of the majority community in a democracy. Under congress rule india had become an Islamic country and Muslims got separate laws previleges and subsidize that hurt majority community. Organized communal riots divided Hindus and united Muslims. India is free of communal riots in a big way. Hindu rashtra will give security respect to all non Hindus. The way Ayodhya influenced more than forty nations towards their sanathan heritage speaks for it self. Missionaries and Mullas moulvis hate the raise of Hindus in a country which has a heritage of more than twelve thousand years

    March 10, 2024
  • 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱😎😎

    March 13, 2024
  • The USA is more of a theocracy than India. In the USA, every president talks about their Christian credentials. Even liberal Joe Biden at his swearing in ceremony had a priest who mentioned Jesus by name. Judges cite the Bible in their rulings. Churches routinely endorse candidates. Yet somehow, India is the theocracy?

    April 2, 2024

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