It’s Personal. Nikki Calls Vivek ‘Scum’ As He Questions Her Daughter Using Tik Tok
Photo: Screengrab NBC News
WASHINGTON, DC (IANS) – The fight between the two Indian American Republican candidates got nastier with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley calling tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy “scum” for bringing up her daughter as a reference at the party’s third presidential primary debate.
At the debate held in Miami on November 8, the two sparred over the US policy on TikTok and whether it should be banned in the country because of its Chinese ownership.
The 38-year-old entrepreneur referred to Haley and said: “In the last debate, she made fun of me for actually joining TikTok while her own daughter was actually using the app for a long time, so you might want to take care of your family first.”
Haley then shot back saying, “leave my daughter out of your voice”, and as Ramaswamy continued to speak, she told him, “You are just s**m”.
The former South Carolina Governor also took to her social media handles to further slam the biotech entrepreneur, which was dismissed by netizens as “cringe”. “Vivek, I wear heels. They’re not for a fashion statement — they’re for ammunition,” Haley said, inviting a comment from a user, which said: “All of the comebacks in the world, and you chose cringe.”
The two also locked horns in the previous presidential debate with Haley slamming him for his inexperience on foreign policy issues.
Ramaswamy’s campaign in a statement said that in a desperate attempt to raise funds for her languishing establishment campaign, the former US ambassador to the UN was intentionally lying about the tech entrepreneur.
Ramaswamy has needled Haley using ‘Namrata Randhawa’ instead of Nikki Haley on his website, which she said was a “childish name game”.
In addition to Haley and Ramaswamy, three other candidates were on stage for the third debate — former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott.
The two-hour debate, hosted by NBC News, took off at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County.
Trump, who has so far retained huge leads in polls, again skipped the debate, instead pointedly holding a rally not far from the Miami debate site.
Nikkey also has baggage and she ought to know that in politics, opposition does research to expose any bad baggage, flip-flops, hypocrisy. That is just part and parcel of taking center stage and wanting to be a leader and lead the country. Lead the country by example. If she says she is against tik-tok and wishes to ban due to influence from overseas adversaries, then her own relative involved in tik-tok exposes her as a hypocrite. Same with her joining Trump brand and then back-stabbing when the times were rough reflects negatively on her character and personality.
November 9, 2023Qmind
Her demeanor was absolutely demeaning and unprofessional. No one has called another contendor of repute a “scum”. This is absolutely Unforgivable she should be kicked out of the election for unethical and unprofessional behavior. She is absolutely not qualified to hold any office Beyond a dog catcher in Pahrump.
November 9, 2023Qmind
Latest poll : Trump 30% Randy Santos 20% Vivek Ramamurthy 19% and Namrata 13% Tim Scott 6%
November 10, 2023Christy 5% Don’t Know 8% and basically comes down to how Trump is going to pick his Vice Presidential candidate. Between Trump and RamaSwamy, they control 50% and that is a formidable lead plus Trump is leading Biden in six crucial States. Trump will not pick Ronnie or the snake Nikki. That will be suicidal. So it will be Trump/Vivek vs Disunited party. In 2024 Trump/Vivek will prevail. Ron DeSantis has to wait till 2028 and as far as Nikki …the game is over
Pradeep Srivastava
Interesting news item! The following thoughts crop up in my mind.
1. It reinforces my impression that Indian Americans try to compete with each other more than with the mainstream Americans. A Chinese American once told me that it’s also true among Chinese Americans and other ethnic minorities.
November 10, 20232. The “scum” comment reminds me of an old axiom, “Cream always rises to the top, but so does scum” This explains why a guy like Trump has been enjoying a commanding lead over his opponents.
3. Haley has been beating Ramaswami in polls, which makes the latter envious of the former and that may explain why Ramaswami consistently goes after Haley in the debates. However, Haley acted unprofessionally when she called Ramaswami scum. That made all the Indian Americans look bad in the eyes of the mainstream folks, considering how easily minorities get stereotyped.
4. Surprisingly, Christie, the attack dog with respect to Trump, did not go after Trump in the debate, as he did in the previous two debates. Maybe he has realized the futility of this endeavor,
5. DeSantis seems to have found his voice. He spoke articulately and behaved professionally. If Trump is forced out of the race because of his chronic legal issues, DeSantis will most likely be the nominee. The Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has a potential to prevent him from running for president because of his involvement with January 6 insurrection. However, it is definitely going to be challenged by Trump’s lawyers and will probably end up in the U.S. Supreme Court due to all the appeals. It’s not clear how the U.S. Supreme Court will adjudicate the issue, considering that six out of nine justices are conservative, three of whom were appointed by Trump. Time will tell.
6. My guess is that in the next Republican debate, only three out of the five people in this debate will qualify, namely, DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswami. Trump, as before, will shun this debate.
March 4th 2024, will be a crucial date to remember for this country, because, people have been voting for Party instead of Personality. A naive candidate, an accountant by profession Vs Yale educated lawyer and the greatest intellect to appear on any platform.
The Super Tuesday well tell us the direction that this country will take for the next 100 years. Either business as usual or reform to the core. Vivek Ramamurthy, is a flawless Diamond, a Quentissential Jewel, in the Crown of any Party. He will prevail whether in 2024 or beyond.
David R. Zanuck, president of 20th Century Fox was producing the movie “The Son Also Rises” in Spain, He cast an unknown actor, as matador and when the cast objected, he took a bull horn and proclaimed “The Kid Stays In The Picture”. Anyone who object can leave. The kid was Robert Evans who went on to become president of Paramount. Vivek might be 38 year old “Kid” but the “The Kid Stays in the Picture.”
November 16, 2023