HomeAmericasPoliticsNikki Haley On Fox: US Has Never Been Racist

Nikki Haley On Fox: US Has Never Been Racist

Nikki Haley On Fox: US Has Never Been Racist

Nikki Haley On Fox: US Has Never Been Racist

WASHINGTON, DC (ANI) – Republican Nikki Haley, has said that the US has never been a “racist country” and their goal is to make sure that “today is better than yesterday,” Fox News reported.

Haley made the remarks in response to MSNBC Joy Reid’s statement on whether Haley could win the Republican Party nomination. Reid had accused Republicans of being an “anti-immigrant” party and that’s why she “can’t picture” Haley becoming the GOP nominee in 2024, Fox News reported.

In an interview with Fox News, Haley suggested Reid “lives in a different America than I do.” She said, “I mean, yes, I’m a brown girl who grew up in a small rural town in South Carolina who became the first female minority governor in history, who became a UN ambassador and who is now running for president. If that’s not the American dream, I don’t know what is.”

When asked by “Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade if the Republican Party is racist, Nikki Haley said, “No we are not.” She further said, “We’re not a racist country. We’ve never been a racist country. Our goal is to make sure that today is better than yesterday. Are we perfect? No, but our goal is to always make sure we try and be more perfect every day that we can.”

Speaking about her experience growing up in the US, Haley said, “I know I faced racism when I was growing up, but I can tell you today is a lot better than it was then. Our goal is to lift everybody, not go and divide people into race gender or party, or anything else. We’ve had enough of that in America.”

“That’s why I’m so passionate about doing this. I don’t want my kids growing up where they’re sitting thinking that they’re disadvantaged because of color or gender. I want them to know that if they work hard, they can do and be anything they want to be in America,” she added.

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  • Is it possible that Ms. Haley whose parents are from India, gained political and financial support after she married a White Republican man and espoused Republican stands on issues ?

    January 19, 2024
  • The Biggest Losers of the Wall Street guys who gave her $80 million even though it is not their money it was from a bailout that they got from the government twice one during the bank bailout and second during the covid bailout and does not matter whether she is first or second at New Hampshire her carrier is over she has absolutely no chance of any position either in Trump’s cabinet or any federal job. Fox News is trying to be fair giving equal opportunity to cover themselves but nobody cares for her other than that now feel a fluent people in New Hampshire who have not gone to the grocery store since Reagan was President and they have no clue as to how the inflation is and how people are have to work two jobs to meet their mortgage. She is mostly supported by the Democrats in Disguise as Republicans also called RINO and Trump has pointed this out in his acceptance speech after Ohio win and all this has been brought up by Vivek who brilliantly exposed her unjust enrichment to the voters.

    January 19, 2024
  • “Republican Nikki Haley, has said that the US has never been a “racist country” and their goal is to make sure that “today is better than yesterday,” Fox News reported.”

    —Nothing could be farther from the truth. I agree that the US is less racist now than it was maybe 10 years ago but to claim that “the US has never been a “racist country”” flies in the face of the facts. The US did have slavery, albeit a long time ago, and what is slavery if nothing but manifestation of racism? Also, prior to the advent of the civil rights act of 1960s, there was open discrimination against blacks and other minorities in education, employment, housing, and the like. Even right now, hate crimes are committed against nonwhites, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, and other minorities, such as the LGBTQ community. Incidentally, hate crimes against minorities , especially, Asian Americans, skyrocketed right after Trump got elected in 2016 and even though he lost to Biden fair and square in 2020, the hate crimes have not come down. So, it does make a difference what kind of president we elect. A bad, racist president like Trump can have an adverse impact on the society even after he has lost the election because he can and did brainwash people into believing that he lost the election in 2020 because the election was rigged against him even if his own administration, including Department of Justice, the courts, and the prominent members of his own party refuse to believe the lies perpetrated by him. This explains why a twice impeached former president who has been indicted in four criminal cases on 91 charges has a commanding lead over his opponents in the Republican primaries. God save the Republican Party, God save this country, and God save this world.

    January 19, 2024
  • I came to USA almost 50 years ago, completed my Ph. D., got a R&D job and settled down in East Coast. The big question – is America still a racist country – my answer is NO, however, the next related question – are there people in America who are racist. My answer is yes – there are people who are still have racist thinking and behavior.
    Good thing is that we as a country are definitely improving to be more adaptive. Honestly, one must realize that racism comes in many flavors , not only just for skin color, I have observed people having opposite racism as well. Unfortunately, like any other social issues, it would not disappear 100%.

    January 19, 2024
  • Nikki Haley is absolutely correct in asserting that America is not a racist country, if only we assess this statement in the context of her personal experiences while growing up in South Carolina. However, we cannot deny the fact that historically the United States have exhibited a long period of denying equal rights to people based upon their ethnicity, nationality, color, and gender. This country has come a long way in admitting millions of Indians on its land. They are prospering like no other people from anywhere in the world. Certainly, it is not due to racism. Let us put this statement in a different context, what chance would she have in public life in India, if she was born white in an immigrant American/Indian family in India? The answer is “Zero.” How many immigrants from any other country are members of local, state, or central government in India? If you compare these two countries in similar contexts, which country, in your opinion, is most racist of the two? The answer is simple, it is India.

    January 19, 2024
  • ….hum…????are we missing something or Mrs Haley wears some colored glasses?

    January 19, 2024
  • It is a very difficult question to answer! If it was a racist country, how a black person beacame the President of the United States two years in a row?That said, there are many examples of racisim taking place all over this country, especially in the south. Is India a racist country? Some might say, yes. The caste system that is still widely and openly practiced is a component of racism. I am not sure. Perhaps someone can throw more light on this issue.

    January 20, 2024
  • Eluse Stepanek, when asked as to what how Vivek would fit in Trump’s cabinet? she said “as press secretary” that’s absolutely a prejudicial remark I don’t think she is fit to be a vice president with that attitude I think Christy Noem would be a better choice as VP and Elise as Press Secretary.

    January 21, 2024

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