HomeIndiaParliament Security Breached, Arrests Made

Parliament Security Breached, Arrests Made


Parliament Security Breached, Arrests Made

NEW DELHI (IANS) – The six accused involved in the breach of Parliament security on December 13 were connected through the “Bhagat Singh Fan Club page” on social media sites Facebook and Instagram, Delhi police said.

The security breach occurred on the 22nd anniversary of the deadly militant attack on India’s parliament when it was in session. Pictures show MPs trying to catch the perpetrators whose motives have not been made clear yet.

Sources privy to the probe also said that the investigators suspect that they were being directed by someone both before and during the act.

The breach of Parliament security on December 13 was a meticulously planned and coordinated operation executed by a group of six individuals who maintained communication through Instagram and other social media platforms to devise the plan.

“The suspects formulated the plan several days prior and conducted reconnaissance before entering Parliament on Wednesday and had selected the date of December 13 to execute their act,” a source said. “Unified by a shared ideology, they collectively aimed to convey a message to the government. They were in touch with each other through social media site Instagram for over a year,” the source added.

Several questions have left investigators puzzled.

“Why did they not throw the flare canister and instead keep it in their hands in the Lok Sabha house? They were surely directed to do so by someone,” a source said.

“The four accused, apprehended both outside and inside the Parliament, had handed over their mobile phones to Lalit Jha, a resident of Bihar. He was also located outside the Parliament and fled with the bag containing the phones when his associates were nabbed. It appears that he too received directions to do so from another person to flee from their with phones,” the source added.

The youth who jumped into the well of the Lok Sabha was shouting, “Kaala Kanoon Nahi Chalega, Tanasahi nahi chalegi”.

The five accused arrested have been identified as Manoranjan D, a resident of Mysuru, Sagar Sharma, a resident of Lucknow, Neelam, a resident of Haryana’s Jind, Amol Shinde, a resident of Maharashtra’s Latur and Vikram a.k.a Vicky Sharma, a resident of Gurugram sector-7 and native of Hisar.

Jha is still absconding and police said that a manhunt has been initiated to nab him. The police teams from Special Cell are still interrogating the accused, to ascertain the reason behind the act.

As per initial probe, it was also revealed that Manoranjan and Sharma had visitors’ passes for 45 minutes but they stayed in the visitors’ gallery for close to two hours. The two had entered the Lok Sabha Hall from the visitors’ gallery.

Manoranjan, an Engineering student from Karnataka and Sharma, got his visitor’s pass issued on the reference of Karnataka’s Mysuru BJP MP, Pratap Simha. Neelam and Shinde were protesting with coloured flares outside Parliament and were detained by Delhi Police.

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  • I am extremely glad that the culprits protesting in the Lok Sabha, were not Sikh young men and young women; otherwise, there would have been a mayhem of Sikhs in Northern India. Thousands would have been killed by now by goondas, chest beating super nationalists in defense of the “Bharat Mata.” Our memory of the post 1984 selective killing of Sikhs has left an undeniable scratch on our mind. There were numerous ministers and politicians instigating hate crimes against the Sikhs; they were physically leading the massacre against the peaceful neighbors, innocent, bystanders, elderly and children, male and females, because of their religion. No mercy was shown against the defenseless people. As of today, no justice has been delivered. We will watch how these (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Shudras) culprits are treated by the dominant power structure in the government.

    December 13, 2023
  • It’s a little sad and pathetic how some people, such as Dalit, are just full of hate. While complaining about supposed victimhood against one community, he simultaneously spits out hate against Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Shudras. People like Daljit love pretending to be victims, but they are the true haters. Very sad and pathetic.

    December 14, 2023

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